This topic provides reference information for the Contour with Envoy package.

About Contour and Envory

Contour ( is a Kubernetes ingress controller that includes the Envoy reverse HTTP proxy. Contour with Envoy is commonly used with other packages, such as ExternalDNS, Prometheus, and Harbor.

To install the Contour package on a TKG cluster, refer to the following topics:

Contour Components

The Contour package includes the Contour ingress controller and the Envoy reverse HTTP proxy. These components are installed as containers. The containers are pulled from the public registry specified in the package repository.
Container Resource Type Replicas Description
Envoy DaemonSet 3 High performance reverse proxy
Contour Deployment 2 Management and configuration server for Envoy

Contour Data Values

Below is an example contour-data-values.yaml.

The only customization is that the Envoy service is of type LoadBalancer (the default is NodePort). This means that the Envoy service will be accessible from outside of the cluster for ingress.
infrastructure_provider: vsphere
namespace: tanzu-system-ingress
 configFileContents: {}
 useProxyProtocol: false
 replicas: 2
 pspNames: "vmware-system-restricted"
 logLevel: info
   type: LoadBalancer
   annotations: {}
     http: null
     https: null
   externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
   disableWait: false
   enable: true
   http: 80
   https: 443
 hostNetwork: false
 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
 logLevel: info
 pspNames: null
 duration: 8760h
 renewBefore: 360h

Contour Configuration

The Contour package configuration values are set in contour-data-values.yaml. The table lists and describes the available parameters.
Table 1. Contour Ingress Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Type Default
infrastructure_provider Infrastructure Provider. Supported Values: vsphere, aws, azure string Mandatory parameter
contour.namespace Namespace where contour will be deployed string tanzu-system-ingress
contour.config.requestTimeout Client request timeout to be passed to Envoy time.Duration 0s

(See section below for details)

contour.config.server.xdsServerType XDS Server type to use: Supported Values: contour or envoy string Null
contour.config.tls.minimumProtocolVersion Minimum TLS version that Contour will negotiate string 1.1 Name of secret containing fallback certificate for requests that don’t match SNI defined for a vhost string Null
contour.config.tls.fallbackCertificate.namespace Namespace of secret containing fallback certificate string Null Name of the secret to use as client certificate, private key for TLS connection to backend service string Null
contour.config.tls.envoyClientCertificate.namespace Namespace of the secret to use as client certificate, private key for TLS connection to backend service string Null
contour.config.leaderelection.configmapName Name of configmap to be used for contour leaderelection string leader-elect
contour.config.leaderelection.configmapNamespace Namespace of contour leaderelection configmap string tanzu-system-ingress
contour.config.disablePermitInsecure Disables ingressroute permitInsecure field boolean false
contour.config.accesslogFormat Access log format string envoy
contour.config.jsonFields Fields that will be logged array of strings envoy package doc
contour.config.useProxyProtocol boolean false
contour.config.defaultHTTPVersions HTTP versions that Contour should program Envoy to serve array of strings "HTTP/1.1 HTTP2"
contour.config.timeouts.requestTimeout The timeout for an entire request time.Duration Null (timeout is disabled)
contour.config.timeouts.connectionIdleTimeout The time to wait before terminating an idle connection time.Duration 60s
contour.config.timeouts.streamIdleTimeout The time to wait before terminating an request or stream with no activity time.Duration 5m
contour.config.timeouts.maxConnectionDuration The time to wait before terminating an connection irrespective of activity or not time.Duration Null (timeout is disabled)
contour.config.timeouts.ConnectionShutdownGracePeriod The time to wait between sending an initial and final GOAWAY time.Duration 5s
contour.config.cluster.dnsLookupFamily dns-lookup-family to use for upstream requests to externalName type services from an HTTPProxy route string Null (Supported Values: auto, v4, v6)
contour.config.debug Turn on contour debugging boolean false
contour.config.ingressStatusAddress The address to set on status of every Ingress resource string Null
contour.certificate.duration Duration for contour certificate time.Duration 8760h
contour.certificate.renewBefore Duration before contour certificate should be renewed time.Duration 360h
contour.deployment.replicas No of contour replicas integer 2
contour.image.repository Location of the repository with the Contour image. The default is the public VMware registry. Change this value if you are using a private repository (e.g., air-gapped environment). string Name of contour image string contour
contour.image.tag Contour image tag. This value may need to be updated if you are upgrading the Contour version. string v1.11.0_vmware.1
contour.image.pullPolicy Contour image pull policy string IfNotPresent
envoy.image.repository Location of the repository with the Envoy image. The default is the public VMware registry. Change this value if you are using a private repository (e.g., air-gapped environment). string Name of envoy image string envoy
envoy.image.tag Envoy image tag. This value may need to be updated if you upgrading the Envoy version. string


envoy.image.pullPolicy Envoy image pull policy string IfNotPresent
envoy.hostPort.enable Flag to expose envoy ports on host boolean true
envoy.hostPort.http Envoy HTTP host port integer 80
envoy.hostPort.https Envoy HTTPS host port integer 443
envoy.service.type Type of service to expose envoy. Supported Values: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer string Mandatory parameter for vSphere: NodePort or LoadBalancer, AWS: LoadBalancer, Azure: LoadBalancer
envoy.service.annotations Envoy service annotations Map (Key-values) Empty Map
envoy.service.externalTrafficPolicy External traffic policy of envoy service. Supported Values: Local, Cluster string Cluster
envoy.service.nodePort.http Desired nodePort for service of type NodePort used for http requests integer Null - Kubernetes assigns a dynamic node port
envoy.service.nodePort.https Desired nodePort for service of type NodePort used for HTTPS requests integer Null - Kubernetes assigns a dynamic node port
envoy.deployment.hostNetwork Run envoy on hostNetwork boolean false AWS LB type to be used for exposing envoy service. Supported Values: classic, nlb string classic
envoy.loglevel Log level to use for envoy string info

Route Timeout for File Downloads

The parameter contour.config.requestTimeout defines the Contour route timeout duration. The default value is 0s. If you are using Contour for file transfer, you may need to adjust this value.

According to the Contour documentation, a timeout value of 0s directs Contour to use the Envoy timeout. According to the Envoy documentation, Envoy has a 15 second default timeout. In addition, Envoy expects the entire request-response operation to be completed within the timeout interval.

This means that with the default Contour timeout setting of 0s, file transfer must complete within 15 seconds. For large file transfers, this may not be enough time. To disable the default Envoy timeout, set the contour.config.requestTimeout value to 0.