You can set the number of tasks that can run concurrently to improve the conversion speed. Limiting the number of concurrent tasks helps you reduce the network resources required for the conversion tasks. Limiting the number of concurrent tasks also helps to limit the CPU load on the machine where the Converter Standalone server runs.

You can set the number of concurrent tasks to any number from 1 to 12. The default number of concurrent tasks is set to Maximum.


  1. On the main menu, select Administration > Maximum Concurrent Tasks.
  2. In the Custom spin-box, specify a number.
  3. Click OK.


The setting takes effect immediately for all newly added tasks. See Limiting the Number of Concurrent Tasks.

Example: Limiting the Number of Concurrent Tasks

Assume that Converter Standalone is running 12 tasks. If you change the number of concurrent tasks to 6, these 12 tasks continue running, but all newly added tasks remain pending in the task list.

When the number of running tasks drops to 5, a new task from the wait list starts.