You can select a powered on Windows machine to convert. The source machine can be a physical or a virtual machine.


Verify that your Windows machine is prepared for conversion. See Prerequisites for Converting a Powered On Windows Machine.


  1. On the Source System page of the Conversion wizard, select the Powered on radio button.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select a menu item that corresponds to your source machine location.

    If you have connected to a remote Converter Standalone server by IP address, the menu item This local machine is not available and you can convert the local machine only as a remote machine.

    Source Location Action
    Local Click This local machine.

    Click Remote Windows machine and provide the IP address or name of the machine and administrator credentials.

    Note: You can provide the user name in the domain\user credentials format. Alternatively, you can enter a user name without a domain name and Converter Standalone will attempt to log you in to the remote machine by using the machine\user format.
  3. (Optional) Click View source details to see the hardware and software information about the source machine.
  4. Click Next.
    If you convert a remote machine and the Converter Standalone agent is not already installed on the source machine, a dialog box prompts you to confirm the installation and select an uninstallation method for the Converter Standalone agent.
  5. (Optional) Select the uninstallation procedure for Converter Standalone agent and click Yes.
    Converter Standalone agent is installed on the source machine.


Converter Standalone agent prepares the source machine for conversion.

What to do next

On the Destination System page, you can select the destination type for the new virtual machine.