You can select a powered on Linux machine to convert. The source machine can be a physical or virtual machine.

You can convert powered on machines that run Linux only if GRUB is installed as the boot loader on the source. LILO boot loader is not supported.


Before you continue with the conversion, you must prepare the source Linux machine.

  • Enable SSH on the source Linux machine.
  • Make sure that you use the root account or account with sudo privileges for all commands to convert a powered on Linux machine.
  • Make sure that the Converter Standalone server machine has network access to the Linux source machine.
  • Make sure that no other conversion job is using the source you select.


  1. On the Source System page of the Conversion wizard, select the Powered on radio button.
  2. Select Remote Linux machine from the drop down menu.
  3. Provide the IP address or DNS name and select authentication method. Provide the IP address or DNS name and root credentials for the Linux machine you want to convert.
    Option Description
    Password Enter the root credentials for the Linux machine you want to convert.
    Private key file Select the private key file and enter the passphrase.
  4. Click Next.


Converter Standalone connects to the powered on Linux machine and prepares it for conversion.

What to do next

On the Destination System page, you can select the destination type for the new virtual machine.