With Converter Standalone, you can perform hot cloning.

Hot cloning, also called live cloning, or online cloning, consists in converting the source machine while it is running its operating system. Hot cloning lets you clone machines without shutting them down.

During conversion, processes continue to run on the source machine, so the resulting virtual machine is not an exact copy of the source machine.

When converting Windows sources, you can set Converter Standalone to synchronize the destination virtual machine with the source machine after hot cloning. Synchronization is performed by transferring from the source to the destination the blocks that were changed during the initial cloning period. To avoid loss of data on the destination virtual machine, Converter Standalone can shut down certain Windows services before the synchronization. Based on your settings, Converter Standalone shuts down the selected Windows services so that no critical changes occur on the source machine while destination is being synchronized.

Converter Standalone can shut down the source machine and power on the destination machine when the conversion process is complete. When combined with synchronization, this action allows seamless migration of a source machine to a virtual machine destination. The destination machine takes over the source machine operations with the least possible downtime.

Note: When you hot clone dual-boot systems, you can clone only the default operating system to which the boot.ini file or the BCD points. To clone the nondefault operating system, change the boot.ini file or the BCD to point to the other operating system and reboot. After the other operating system is booted, you can hot clone it. If your second operating system is Linux, you can boot it and clone it using the standard procedure for cloning Linux powered on source machines.