A conversion job competes for computing resources with other processes. To limit the impact of the conversion job on other workloads, you can throttle the job. If you do not throttle conversion jobs, they are carried out with normal priority and depending on the available computing resources during conversion.

A powered on source machine runs its own conversion job. You can limit the impact of the conversion job on other workloads running on the powered on machine.

For source machines that are not powered on, you can limit the resources used on the machine where Converter Standalone server is installed.

Throttling controls the CPU and network resources that the conversion process uses. You cannot throttle disk I/O from the Converter Standalone interface, but can throttle it indirectly by throttling the network bandwidth.

Note: You cannot throttle conversion jobs for powered on source machines that run Linux. You cannot throttle conversion jobs for powered off virtual machines to VMware hosted destinations.


  1. On the Options page, select Throttling from the options list.
  2. From the CPU throttling drop-down menu, select the priority of the conversion task.
    Option Description
    None The priority of the current conversion task is set to normal.
    Light The priority of the current conversion task is reduced slightly below normal.
    Medium The priority of the current conversion task is set to lowest.
    Note: Converter Standalone reduces the thread priorities of conversion tasks to control the CPU resources they consume.
  3. (Optional) Select Network bandwidth throttling and specify the maximum network bandwidth at which Converter Standalone performs the conversion jobs.
  4. Save your settings.
    Option Description
    Select another option from the options list Saves your settings and displays the pane for the selected option.
    Click Next Saves your settings and displays the next page of the Conversion wizard.
    • The Customizations page is displayed if you select Customize guest preferences for the virtual machine in the Advanced options pane.
    • The Summary page is displayed if you do not select Customize guest preferences for the virtual machine in the Advanced options pane.