Since Converter Standalone 6.4, security features are preserved during the conversion process of virtual machines.

When you use Converter Standalone to convert virtual machines, the enabled security features on the source machine are preserved on the destination machine.

Table 1. List of Supported Security Features
Security Feature Description
UEFI Secure Boot UEFI Secure Boot is a security standard that helps ensure that your PC boots using only software that is trusted by the PC manufacturer. For certain virtual machine hardware versions and operating systems, you can activate secure boot just as you can for a physical machine.For more information, see Activate or Deactivate UEFI Secure Boot for a Virtual Machine in the vSphere Security documentation.
Virtualization-based Security Microsoft VBS, a feature introduced in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 operating systems, uses hardware and software virtualization to enhance system security by creating an isolated, hypervisor-restricted, specialized subsystem. For more information, see Securing Windows Guest Operating Systems with Virtualization-based Security in the vSphere Security documentation.