By performing a cold migration, you migrate a powered off virtual machine from an on-premise vCenter Server to an Org vDC in the cloud.

By initiating a Cold Migration, you start simultaneous file transfer and cutover processes, so no manual operations are required after the migration completes.

During a cold migration, the Replication Manager creates a VM instance in the resource vCenter Server in the cloud.


Power off the virtual machine that you about to migrate.


  1. In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to Home > Inventories > vCloud Director Extender.
  2. In the Migrations tab, click New Migration.
  3. Select Cold migration and click Next.
  4. Select the VM that you want to migrate and click Next.

    When you select a VM, the system verifies if the selected VM is powered off.

    If you select a VM that is powered on, the system returns an error, and you cannot proceed until you select a powered off VM.

  5. Select a Target Cloud, a target vDC, a target storage profile, a target network, and whether you want to group all VMs that you are migrating into a single vApp, and click Next.
  6. (Optional) You can initiate the migration at a specific time.
  7. (Optional) Select if you want to power on the VM after the migration operation completes.
  8. Select the disk type.
  9. (Optional) Enter a tag for the migration job that you are initiating.
  10. Click Start.


The migration job is initiated and a new cold migration job appears in the Migrations tab.

What to do next

You can monitor the progress of the migration job in the Migrations tab.