Before you can configure DC Extensions, you must enter the L2 Appliance configuration details. When you extend a network, vCloud Director Extender deploys the L2 Appliance automatically and uses the current configuration details.


  1. In a Web browser, open the OnPrem Setup UI.
  2. In the DC Extensions tab, in the L2 Appliance Configuration, click Add Appliance Configuration.

    The L2 Appliance Configuration pop-up window appears.

  3. Enter a target folder name and a data center name for the appliance.
  4. Enter a target Cluster name or a Host name.
  5. Enter a target datastore name.
  6. Enter an Uplink Network name.
  7. Enter an Uplink Network IP Pool and click Add.

    Enter IPv4 IP addresses in dotted or delimited format.


    The IP addresses you enter must be static IP addresses that are accessible from the cloud.

  8. Enter a Default Gateway IP.
  9. Enter a Prefix Length and click Create.


In the OnPrem Setup UI, a new configuration appears in the Current L2 Appliance Configuration.

What to do next

You can now configure a network extension. For more information, see Extend a Network.