You can install vCloud Usage Meter 4.3 as an in-place upgrade on top of vCloud Usage Meter 4.1.x or vCloud Usage Meter 4.2.

You can see a video demonstration of this procedure at


  • Back up or take a snapshot of the source vCloud Usage Meter appliance that you want to upgrade.
  • You must have a password to log in to the vCloud Usage Meter console as root.


  1. Log in to the source vCloud Usage Meter console as root and enable SSH on the appliance.
    service sshd start
  2. From MyVMware, download the ums-system-upgrade.shar file locally to your computer.
  3. Copy the upgrade ums-system-upgrade.shar file to the cloudusagemetering folder in the source vCloud Usage Meter console.
    You can use a SCP software like WinSCP on Windows.
  4. Log in to the source vCloud Usage Meter console as root.
  5. Enter the cloudusagemetering folder.
    cd /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering
  6. To upgrade, run the command.
    bash ums-system-upgrade.shar
  7. To complete the in-place upgrade, you must reboot the appliance.

    After rebooting the appliance, the system generates a cloudusagemetering-old folder for the source vCloud Usage Meter installation backup. A newly created cloudusagemetering folder points to the upgraded vCloud Usage Meter installation.

  8. Log in to the appliance as root.
  9. Stop the SSH service on the appliance.
    service sshd stop
  10. Verify that the vCloud Usage Meter services are up and running.
    1. Enter the /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering directory.
      cd /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering
    2. Verify the status of the vCloud Usage Meter services.
      If the services are running, you receive a Running status back.
      You can access the in-place upgrade log files at /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/var/logs/inplaceupgradeum-date_yyyyddmm-build_number. If the verification fails with an Offline error message, restore the vCloud Usage Meter appliance from the latest backup or snapshot, and repeat the steps.

What to do next

Important: After the in-place upgrade, in the vCloud Usage Meter Web interface, you must manually accept the certificates for all metered product servers.