There are three main user accounts in vCloud Usage Meter.

When you deploy the vCloud Usage Meter appliance, in the Deploy OVF Template wizard, you must configure the passwords for the root, usagemeter, and umauditor user accounts. The user account passwords for the vCloud Usage Meter 4.6 appliance expire after 90 days.

The passwords for all user accounts must meet the following requirements.
  • Passwords must be at least eight characters long.
  • Passwords must contain at least one uppercase letter.
  • Passwords must contain at least one lowercase letter.
  • Passwords must contain at least one numeral from 0 through 9.
  • Passwords must contain at least one special character.
  • Passwords must contain at least four different characters in comparison to the old password.
  • Passwords must be different from the last five passwords.
  • Passwords must not contain a dictionary word.
User Account Permissions
root The root user can run OS commands such as enabling SSH or rebooting the vCloud Usage Meter appliance and access the vCloud Usage Meter log and configuration files.
Important: Do not use the root user account to manage the services running in the vCloud Usage Meter appliance.
usagemeter The usagemeter user can log in to the vCloud Usage Meter Web interface, manage the services running in the vCloud Usage Meterappliance, and view the log files.
umauditor The umauditor user can only view the vCloud Usage Meter log and configuration files.
umscheduler The umscheduler user has read access only to the log folders. This user does not have access to SSH.
login-service Runs the vmware-um-loginservice. This account is not configured with a password and does not require a login.
journal-service Runs the vmware-um-journal service. This account is not configured with a password and does not require a login.