You can install vCloud Usage Meter 4.7 as an in-place upgrade on top of vCloud Usage Meter 4.3 and later.




Source vCloud Usage Meter appliance

  • Back up or take a snapshot of the source vCloud Usage Meter appliance that you want to upgrade.

  • As root, activate and start SSH on the source vCloud Usage Meter appliance by running the following commands.

    systemctl enable sshd
    systemctl start sshd


Verify that you can access the vCloud Usage Meter console as root.


  1. Locally on your computer, download the following upgrade files from the Broadcom Support Portal download product page.

    File Name



    The ISO upgrade file containing the upgrade script and the YUM repository.

    (Optional) Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD_NUMBER>

    Contains the sha1checksum of the upgrade ISO file.

    (Optional) Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD_NUMBER>_Upgrade.crt

    Contains the public certificate that signs the ISO file.

    (Optional) Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD_NUMBER>_Upgrade.sign

    Contains the signature for the ISO file.

  2. From the terminal of your computer, log in to the vCloud Usage Meter appliance and run the following commands.
    1. Verify that the checksum of the download matches the checksum posted on the download page.
      sha1sum -c Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD_NUMBER>
    2. Verify the certificate.
      openssl x509 -in Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD_NUMBER>_Upgrade.crt -text
      openssl verify Usage_Meter_Agent-<UM_NEW_BUILD>_Upgrade.crt
    3. Obtain the certificate public key and verify the signature of the ISO file.
      openssl x509 -pubkey -in Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD_NUMBER>_Upgrade.crt \
        > Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD_NUMBER>_Upgrade.key
      openssl dgst -sha1 -verify Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD_NUMBER>_Upgrade.key \
        -signature Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD_NUMBER>_Upgrade.sign \
  3. Connect the CD-ROM drive of vCloud Usage Meter to the Usage_Meter_Agent-<BUILD>_Upgrade.iso file.

    For information, see Add or Modify a Virtual Machine CD or DVD Drive in the vSphere Virtual Machine Administration documentation.

  4. Log in to the source vCloud Usage Meter console as root.
  5. Create an upgrade directory.
    mkdir /root/upgrade
  6. Mount the CD drive.
    Note: If you upload the .iso file inside the vCloud Usage Meter appliance manually, enter the full .iso path location in the command.
    mount -o loop /dev/cdrom /root/upgrade
  7. To start the in-place upgrade, run the command.
    bash /root/upgrade/

    You are prompted to confirm if a snapshot of the source vCloud Usage Meter appliance that you want to upgrade exists.

    Has a snapshot of the vCloud Usage Meter appliance VM been created on the vCenter Server environment that it's running on? (y/n):

  8. To complete the in-place upgrade, you are prompted to reboot the appliance.

    Reboot is recommended after an upgrade. Reboot now? (y/n)

    If you enter y (yes), a reboot of the appliance starts. If you enter n (no), you must manually reboot the appliance by running the following command.

    sudo reboot

    The system generates a newly created cloudusagemetering folder under /opt/vmware pointing to the upgraded vCloud Usage Meter installation.

  9. (Optional) If vCloud Usage Meter detects an incorrectly set hostname, you receive the following message.
    Detected wrong hostname. Expected hostname: ${host}, but found: ${current_hostname}.This will most probably result in issues after upgrade with the existing vCloud Usage Meter certificates.
    Please change the hostname and then you can either generate a new self-signed
    certificate or import an internal Certification Authority (CA) - Signed Certificate. 
    Note: The certificate CN must match the hostname of the vCloud Usage Meter appliance.
    For information, see vCloud Usage Meter Certificate Management.
    If you ignore the message, you might encounter the
    Failed to process journal=>read
    error in the vCloud Usage Meter Web interface. Follow the instructions provided in the message. For more information, see vCloud Usage Meter Certificate Management.
  10. Verify that the vCloud Usage Meter services are up and running.
    1. Verify the status of the vCloud Usage Meter services.

      If the services are running, you receive a Running status. In case you receive a Running status that has errors, check the latest log files. The errors might not be related to the in-place upgrade.

What to do next


To ensure the automatic aggregation and reporting of the monthly product consumption data, after a successful upgrade, do not revert to the snapshot of the source vCloud Usage Meter appliance.