You can reset a lost or forgotten vRealize Automation root password.

In this procedure, you use a command line window on the host vCenter appliance to reset your organization’s vRealize Automation root password.


This process is for vRealize Automation administrators and requires the credentials needed to access the host vCenter appliance.


  1. Shut down and start up vRealize Automation by using the procedure described in Starting and stopping vRealize Automation.
  2. When the Photon operating system command line window appears, enter e and press the Enter key to open the GNU GRUB boot menu editor.
  3. In the GNU GRUB editor, enter rw init=/bin/bash at the end of the line that begins with linux "/" $photon_linux root=rootpartition as shown below:

    reset root password string in context

  4. Click the F10 key to push your change and restart vRealize Automation.
  5. Wait for vRealize Automation to restart.
  6. At the root [/]# prompt, enter passwd and press the Enter key.
  7. At the New password: prompt, enter your new password and press the Enter key.
  8. At the Retype new password: prompt, reenter your new password and press the Enter key.
  9. At the root [/]# prompt, enter reboot -f and press the Enter key to complete the root password reset process.

    reset root password success

What to do next

As a vRealize Automation administrator, you can now log in to vRealize Automation with the new root password.