Cloud Assembly enables you to configure global image and flavor mappings that are available to all Virtual Private Zones (VPZs) within your organization. Alternatively, you can override the global settings and configure tenant specific image and flavor mappings as appropriate for your deployments.

Typically, a cloud administrator configures global image and flavor mappings using the left navigation links on the Tenant Management page, and these mappings apply across the board for all of your tenants. In some cases, you may want to create custom, tenant-specific, image and flavor mappigs for specific tenants and the Tenant Management page suports this option.

Image and flavor mapping are shown on their respective tabs on the Tenant Management page. Click on any of the existing image and flavor mappings to edit them. To delete an image or flavor mapping, select the mapping and then click Delete.


  • Enable multi-tenancy and configure tenants for your deployment.
  • Create appropriate VPZs.


  1. Select Tenant Management on the Cloud Assembly main menu.
  2. Select the tenant for which you wish to configure custom image or flavor mapping.
  3. Select the Image Mapping link on the top of the page, then click Add Image Mapping.
    The Create Image Mapping dialog appears.
  4. Ensure that the Account/Region specified is correct and add a name for the mapping in the Image Name text box.
  5. Select the underlying machine image to use in the Image drop-down.
  6. Add constraint tags if applicable for your image usage.
  7. Select the appropriate Scope for the image.
    • Click the Available for this tenant only radio button if you want this image mapping to be available only for use by the selected tenant.
    • Click the Shared Across tenants radio button if you want this image mapping to be available for use by other tenants.
  8. Click Create to save the image mapping as configured.
  9. Select the Flavor Mapping link at the top of the page and then click Add Flavor Mapping to create a flavor mapping.
    The Create Flavor Mapping dialog appears.
  10. Ensure that the Account/Region specified is correct and add a name for the mapping in the Name text box.
  11. Specify the flavor CPU and memory settings in the Value field.
  12. Select the appropriate Scope for the image.
    • Click the Available for this tenant only radio button if you want this image mapping to be available only for use by the selected tenant.
    • Click the Shared Across tenants radio button if you want this image mapping to be available for use by other tenants.
  13. Click Create to save the flavor mapping as configured.


Tenant-specific image and flavor mappings are configured as specified.