Cloud Assembly supports integration with Bitbucket for use as a Git-based repository for ABX action scripts and VMware cloud templates.

In Cloud Assembly, you can work with two types of repository items using Bitbucket integration: VMware cloud templates or ABX action scripts. You must synch projects that you want to work with before using a Bitbucket integration. ABX actions support write back to the Bitbucket repository, but you cannot write back cloud templates from the integration. If you want to create new versions of cloud template files, you must do so manually.


  • Set up an on premises Bitbucket Server deployment with one or more ABX or cloud template-based projects that you want to use with your deployments. Bitbucket Cloud is currently not supported.
  • Create or designate Cloud Assembly project to associate your Bitbucket integration.
  • Cloud template files to be synched to a Bitbucket integration must be named blueprint.yaml.


  1. Select Infrastructure > Connections > Integrations and click Add Integration.
  2. Select Bitbucket.
  3. Enter the Summary information and Bitbucket credentials on the Bitbucket new integration Summary page.
  4. To check the integration, click Validate.
  5. If you use add tags to support a tagging strategy, enter capability tags. See How do I use tags to manage Cloud Assembly resources and deployments and Creating a tagging strategy.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Select the Projects tab on the main page for the Bitbucket integration to associate a project with this Bitbucket integration.
  8. Select the Project to associate with this Bitbucket integration.
  9. Click Next to add a Repository to Bitbucket project and indicate the type of repository you are adding and then specify the Repository name and Branch, as well as the Folder.
  10. Click Add.
    If you want to add one or more repositories to a project, click Add Repository.


Bitbucket integration is configured with the specified repository configuration, and you can view and work with ABX actions and cloud templates contained in configured repositories. When you add a project to a Bitbucket integration, a synch operation runs to pull the latest versions of ABX action scripts and cloud template files from the designated repository. The History tab on the Bitbucket integration page shows records of all synch operations for the integration. By default, files are automatically synched every 15 minutes,but you can manually synch a file by selecting it and clicking SYNCH at any time.

What to do next

You can work with ABX actions on the Cloud Assembly Extensibility page, and you can work with cloud templates on the Design page. If you save a changed version of an ABX action on the Extensibility area of Cloud Assembly, the new version of the script is created and written back to the repository.