This topic guides the details on the conditions for a successful approval request.
Ensure that the approver has the approver_user role. For a successful approval request, check on the following:
The approval group having at least one approver who can access the domain of the request can either approve or reject the request. To add group approval for a request, see Setting Up ServiceNow Groups.
If the approval group does not have any user who can access the domain of the request, then the approval group is skipped but the request gets approved.
To configure multi-level group approval for Day-0, see Configure the Multi-Level Approval for Catalog Item Requests.
To configure multi-level group approval for Day-2, see Configure the Multi-Level Approval for Day-2 Action Catalog Item Request.
Note:Approver of the global domain from the approval group can either approve or reject the request of any other domain.