To set up and verify your Cloud Assembly instance, you configure the infrastructure based on the cloud accounts, and then you create and deploy cloud templates to ensure that everything is flowing through the system.

This use case helps you, a cloud administrator, through your first time using Cloud Assembly. You add an Amazon Web Services cloud account and configure the infrastructure related to that account. The infrastructure consists of a cloud account region, a project to link users to the region, and some size and image mapping that you use at deployment time. To test the infrastructure, you next create and deploy a simple cloud template.

Getting started workflow diagram

To help you with this getting started process, the instructions are available as a Guided Setup in the user interface.

The first time that you log in to Cloud Assembly, you might encounter the Guided Setup Diagram. The diagram illustrates how the components that you configure process a cloud template at request time. Click Continue and configure your cloud account.


  • Log in as a cloud administrator.
  • Verify that you have the credentials required to connect to the cloud account. If you have an Amazon Web Services account, consider using those credentials. See Before you begin with Cloud Assembly for details.


  1. Open the Guided Setup.
    Using help.
    1. Click Guided Setup on the tab bar.
    2. In the support panel, click Guided Setup Overview.
      The Guided Setup is contextually sensitive to the page that you are on in the user interface. The initial Guided Setup topic that opens depends on the page you are on in the user interface. The link to the Guided Setup overview is at the top of each getting started topic.
    3. In the step list, click Create Cloud Account to begin.
      The guided opens the cloud account topic and opens the page in the UI.
    Use the information in the support panel and the provided workflow to set up your infrastructure, create a cloud template, and deploy the template.
  2. Add a cloud account.
    Configure the cloud account.
  3. Create a cloud zone for one of your Amazon Web Services regions.
    New cloud zone.
  4. Create a project with users and the cloud zone.
    Add a project.
  5. Create a small flavor mapping.
    Flavor size.
  6. Create an ubuntu-16 image mapping.
    Ubuntu image mapping.
  7. Create a simple cloud template that deploys a small machine with the ubuntu-16 operating system.
    Create a cloud template.
  8. Check on your deployed cloud template.
    Review your deployments