You can configure a VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGi), formerly PKS, resource connection on premises and in the cloud to support Kubernetes integration and management capabilities in Cloud Assembly.

TKGI integrations enable you to manage TKGI instances on premises and in the cloud and Kubernetes clusters provisioned on TKGI and external clusters. You must create a Kubernetes profile and associate it with a project to support policy-based placement of resources.



  1. Select Infrastructure > Connections > Integrations and click Add Integration.
  2. Select VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition.
  3. Enter the IP address or FQDN, and TKGI address for the TKGI cloud account you are creating.
    • The IP address is the FQDN or IP address of the TKGI user authentication server.
    • The TKGI address is the FQDN or IP address for the main TKGI server.
  4. Select whether this TKGI server is local or located in the public cloud or on a private cloud.
  5. Enter an appropriate Username and Password for the TKGI server and other related information..
  6. If you use tags to support a tagging strategy, enter capability tags. See How do I use tags to manage Cloud Assembly resources and deployments and Creating a tagging strategy.
  7. Click Add.


You can create Kubernetes zones and assign them to a project, or you can discover external Kubernetes clusters and assign those clusters to projects. In addition, you can add or create Kubernetes namespaces that facilitate management of clusters among large groups and organizations.

What to do next

Create or select the appropriate Kubernetes zones, then select one or more clusters or namespaces, and assign them to a project. After that, you can create and publish cloud templates to enable users to generate self-service deployments that use Kubernetes.