As a designated approver for deployment or day 2 action requests made in Service Broker or Cloud Assembly, you are tasked with approving requests. If you are an assigned approver in the policy, you received an email notification about a deployment request that someone made. If you are а user with the Manage Approvals custom role who monitors and responds to approval requests, you do not receive a notification. In either scenario, you can use this procedure to understand how to respond to approval requests.

Some policies might require only your approval, while others require multiple people to approve a request.

If the policy that you are responding to has multiple approvers but only requires one approver, you might see an already approved request in the Approvals page. You do not need to take further action.

If you are managing many requests, you can limit the number of approval requests by using the filter option. For example, rather than all the requests, you can use the Pending for me filter to see only pending approval requests from all levels where you are an assigned approver.



  1. If you are an assigned approver, you receive an email that provides the name of the requesting user, the catalog item, and a link to the request in the Approvals page in Service Broker.
    If you are someone who manages approvals, you can open the Approvals page and continue with the following steps.
  2. Locate the approval card for the notification.
  3. Review the deployment details and the approval details, and approve or reject the request.
    Required approvals are grouped into sequential levels. For example, if you are an assigned approver for deployment requests where level 1 and level 4 policies apply, then the approval details page shows the required approvals from the level 1 policies grouped under the Level 1 category, and the level 4 policies grouped under the Level 2 category.
    If you are a user with administrative rights, you have the following options.
    • Approve full request. You approve the request at all levels where you are an assigned approver. No other approvals are required so the request is approved.
    • Approve current level. You approve the request at all levels where you are an assigned approver. The request is routed to the next level that is pending approval.
    • Approve as an assigned approver. You approve the request at all levels where you are an assigned approver. If there are other approvers who have not responded, the request remains pending and is not routed to the next level until others approve the request.
    If you reject the request, you must provide a reason that is included in the email message sent to the requester.
  4. The system sends an email to the requester indicating that the request was approved or rejected.