First, configure the resources where Cloud Assembly engineering users can later develop, test, and put the application into production.

The infrastructure includes cloud targets, and definitions around the available machines, networks, and storage that the WordPress site will need.


Log in to Cloud Assembly as a Cloud Assembly Administrator.

1. Add cloud accounts

In this step, the cloud administrator adds two cloud accounts. The example project expects to do development and testing work on AWS, and go to production on Azure.

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Connections > Cloud Accounts.
  2. Click Add Cloud Account, select Amazon Web Services, and enter values.
    Setting Sample Value
    Access key ID R5SDR3PXVV2ZW8B7YNSM
    Secret access key SZXAINXU4UHNAQ1E156S
    Name OurCo-AWS
    Description WordPress

    Remember that all values are only examples. Your account specifics will vary.

  3. To verify credentials, click Validate.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Edit the newly added account Configuration, and allow provisioning to us-east-1 and us-west-2 regions.
  6. Click Add Cloud Account, select Microsoft Azure, and enter values.
    Setting Sample Value
    Subscription ID ef2avpf-dfdv-zxlugui1i-g4h0-i8ep2jwp4c9arbfe
    Tenant ID dso9wv3-4zgc-5nrcy5h3m-4skf-nnovp40wfxsro22r
    Client application ID bg224oq-3ptp-mbhi6aa05-q511-uf1yjr2sttyik6bs
    Client application secret key 7uqxi57-0wtn-kymgf9wcj-t2l7-e52e4nu5fig4pmdd
    Name OurCo-Azure
    Description WordPress
  7. To verify credentials, click Validate.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Edit the newly added account Configuration, and allow provisioning to the East US region.

2. Add cloud zones

In this example step, the cloud administrator adds three cloud zones, one each for development, testing, and production.

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Configure > Cloud Zones.
  2. Click New Cloud Zone, and enter values for the development environment.
    Cloud Zone Setting Sample Value
    Account / region OurCo-AWS/us-east-1
    Name OurCo-AWS-US-East
    Description WordPress
    Placement policy Default
    Capability tags env:dev

    Remember that all values are only examples. Your zone specifics will vary.

  3. Click Compute, and verify that the zones you expect are there.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Repeat the process twice, with values for the test and production environments.
    Cloud Zone Setting Sample Value
    Account / region OurCo-AWS/us-west-2
    Name OurCo-AWS-US-West
    Description WordPress
    Placement policy Default
    Capability tags env:test
    Cloud Zone Setting Sample Value
    Account / region OurCo-Azure/East US
    Name OurCo-Azure-East-US
    Description WordPress
    Placement policy Default
    Capability tags env:prod

3. Add flavor mappings

In this example step, the cloud administrator adds flavor mappings to account for capacity needs that might vary depending on deployment.

Flavor mapping accounts for different size machine deployments and is informally referred to as T-shirt sizing.

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Configure > Flavor Mappings. Each cloud zone needs to allow for small, medium, and large flavors.
  2. Click New Flavor Mapping, and enter values for the development cloud zone.
    Setting Sample Value
    Flavor name small











    OurCo-Azure/East US


    Remember that all values are only examples. Your flavors will vary.

  3. Click Create.
  4. Repeat the process twice, with values for medium and large flavors.
    Setting Sample Value
    Flavor name medium











    OurCo-Azure/East US


    Setting Sample Value
    Flavor name large











    OurCo-Azure/East US


4. Add image mappings

In this example step, the cloud administrator adds an image mapping for Ubuntu, the host for the WordPress server and its MySQL database server.

Plan for the operating system by adding image mappings. Each cloud zone needs a Ubuntu image mapping.

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Configure > Image Mappings.
  2. Click New Image Mapping, and enter values for Ubuntu servers.
    Setting Sample Value
    Image name ubuntu











    OurCo-Azure/East US


    Remember that all values are only examples. Your images will vary.

  3. Click Create.

5. Add network profiles

In this example step, the cloud administrator adds a network profile to each cloud zone.

In each profile, the administrator adds a network for the WordPress machines, and a second network that will sit on the other side of an eventual load balancer. The second network will be the one that users eventually connect to.

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Configure > Network Profiles.
  2. Click New Network Profile, and create a profile for the development cloud zone.
    Network Profile Setting Sample Value
    Account / region OurCo-AWS/us-east-1
    Name devnets
    Description WordPress
  3. Click Networks, and click Add Network.
  4. Select wpnet, appnet-public, and click Add.

    Remember that all values are only examples. Your network names will vary.

  5. Click Create.

    This Wordpress example does not require that you specify network policy or network security settings.

  6. Repeat the process twice, to create a network profile for the Wordpress example test and production cloud zones. In each case, add the wpnet and appnet-public networks.
    Network Profile Setting Sample Value
    Account / region OurCo-AWS/us-west-2
    Name testnets
    Description WordPress
    Network Profile Setting Value
    Account / region OurCo-Azure/East US
    Name prodnets
    Description WordPress

6. Add storage profiles

In this example step, the cloud administrator adds a storage profile to each cloud zone.

The administrator places fast storage at the production zone and general storage at development and test.

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Configure > Storage Profiles.
  2. Click New Storage Profile, and create a profile for the development cloud zone.

    Additional fields appear after you select the account/region.

    Storage Profile Setting Sample Value
    Account / region OurCo-AWS/us-east-1
    Name OurCo-AWS-US-East-Disk
    Description WordPress
    Device type EBS
    Volume type General Purpose SSD
    Capability tags storage:general

    Remember that all values are only examples.

  3. Click Create.
  4. Repeat the process to create a profile for the test cloud zone.
    Storage Profile Setting Sample Value
    Account / region OurCo-AWS/us-west-2
    Name OurCo-AWS-US-West-Disk
    Description WordPress
    Device type EBS
    Volume type General Purpose SSD
    Capability tags storage:general
  5. Repeat the process to create a profile for the production cloud zone, which has different settings because it is an Azure zone.
    Storage Profile Setting Sample Value
    Account / region OurCo-Azure/East US
    Name OurCo-Azure-East-US-Disk
    Description WordPress
    Storage type Managed disks
    Disk type Premium LRS
    OS disk caching Read only
    Data disk caching Read only
    Capability tags storage:fast

What to do next

Create a project to identify users, and to define provisioning settings. See Part 2: Create the example Cloud Assembly project.