You can configure the pricing method as Allocation and Utilization for resources such as CPU, Memory, and Storage. The values in the vRealize Business for Cloud reports are calculated based on the pricing method calculation.

  • If you set the allocation based pricing for the resources (CPU, memory and storage), the virtual machine price is calculated based on the daily allocation price of resources.

    Daily Allocation Price of CPU = Allocated CPU * uptime * CPU rate

    Daily Allocation Price of memory = Allocated memory * uptime * memory rate

    Daily Allocation Price of Storage = Allocated storage * resource rate

    Note: If there is a change in the resource allocation on a particular day, vRealize Business for Cloud considers the change in the allocation to calculate the accurate virtual machine price.
  • If you set the utilization based pricing for the resources (CPU, memory and storage), the virtual machine price is calculated based on its resource utilization.

    Daily Utilization Price of a resource = resource utilization value * resource rate

Note: By default, all the resources are set to the allocation pricing method. However, the resources need not be configured with the same pricing method. For example, you can configure utilization method for two resources and allocation method for any one resource. The daily price of a virtual machine is the sum of daily price of all resources.

Daily Price of a VM = Daily Price of RAM (allocation or utilization) + Daily Price of Memory (allocation or utilization) + Daily Price of Storage (allocation or utilization)


  1. Log in to vRealize Business for Cloud as an administrator.
    • https://vRealize_Automation_host_name/vcac/org/tenant_URL (for the vRealize Automation-integrated vRealize Business for Cloud setup)
    • https://vRealize_Business_for_Cloud_host_name/itfm-cloud(for the vRealize Business for Cloud standalone setup)
  2. Click the Administration tab.
  3. Click Business Management.
    Ignore this step for the vRealize Business for Cloud standalone setup.
  4. Expand Calculation Preferences and click Pricing Methodology at Resource Level.
  5. Configure the pricing method for CPU, Memory, and Storage.
    By default, the pricing method is set to Allocation.
  6. Click Save.
    The change to the pricing method takes effect after the cost calculation is complete.