You can enable the local users to access vRealize Business for Cloud and assign the required roles.

Note: VMware recommends you to use vRealize Business for Cloud that is integrated with either vRealize Automation or VMware Identity Manager.



  1. Log in to SSH with the root user credentials.
    If you are using the Windows platform, log in to SSH using a Windows SSH tool. For example, Putty.
  2. Navigate to the /usr/ITFM-Cloud/va-tools/bin folder.
    For example, cd /usr/ITFM-Cloud/va-tools/bin
  3. Run the following command:
  4. Press 5 to select the Enable local authentication option.
    Now, all services will restart, which might take few minutes.
  5. Log in to vRealize Business for Cloud instance as root user at https://vRealize_Business_for_Cloud_host_name/itfm-cloud/login.html.
  6. To allow the local operating system user to access vRealize Business for Cloud, perform the following steps on the SSH console.
    1. Run the sh command.
    2. Press 1 to add the user.
    3. Enter the user name and password.
    4. Enter the role name to assign appropriate vRealize Business for Cloud roles.
      • vRBC_Administrator, which has the administrator privileges.
      • vRBC_ViewOnly, which has the read-only privileges.