You can configure the pricing method for operating system that runs on your VMs. The values in the vRealize Business for Cloud reports are calculated based on the pricing method calculation.


  1. Log in to vRealize Business for Cloud as an administrator.
    • https://vRealize_Automation_host_name/vcac/org/tenant_URL (for the vRealize Automation-integrated vRealize Business for Cloud setup)
    • https://vRealize_Business_for_Cloud_host_name/itfm-cloud(for the vRealize Business for Cloud standalone setup)
  2. Click the Administration tab.
  3. Click Business Management.
    Ignore this step for the vRealize Business for Cloud standalone setup.
  4. Expand Calculation Preferences and click Pricing Methodology for Additional Charges.
  5. Configure the pricing method for operating system license by selecting one of the following from the list.
    List Item Description
    Regardless of VM Power State OS license charge is applicable for the VMs based on the daily or monthly pricing irrespective of the power-on state of the VMs.
    If VM is powered-on at least once a day OS license charge is applicable for the days that the VMs are powered on. License charges are applied for the whole day even if a VM is powered for a few minutes.
    Based on VM Uptime OS license is charged at one-minute intervals for the amount of time the VM is powered on.
    By default, the pricing method is set to Based on VM Uptime.
  6. Click Save.
    The change to the pricing method takes effect after the cost calculation is complete.