You can edit the monthly cost of labor for your cloud environment. The labor cost is combination of the total cost of the server administrator, virtual infrastructure administrator, and the operating system administrator.


  1. Log in to vRealize Business for Cloud as an administrator.
    • https://vRealize_Automation_host_name/vcac/org/tenant_URL (for the vRealize Automation integrated setup)
    • https://vRealize_Business_for_Cloud_host_name/itfm-cloud (for the vRealize Business for Cloud standalone setup)
  2. Click Business Management.
  3. Expand Expenses and expand Private Cloud (vSphere).
  4. Select Cost Drivers.
  5. Select the Labor tab.
    The monthly labor cost is displayed.
    Category Description
    Category Displays the categories of labor cost, servers, virtual infrastructure, and operating system
    Calculated by Displays whether the cost is calculated hourly or monthly
    Total Monthly Cost Displays the total monthly cost of the particular category
    Reference Cost Displays the reference cost for the category from the vRealize Business for Cloud database
  6. (Optional) Select a data center from the All Data Centers drop-down list to view or edit the labor cost of a specific the data center.
    Note: For physical servers, operating system labor cost and servers labor costs are applicable, virtual infrastructure cost is not considered.
  7. Click the Edit Server Hardware icon for which you want to change the monthly labor cost.
    The total number of servers is displayed.
  8. Select either the hourly rates or the total monthly labor cost and modify the values.
  9. Click Save.


The total monthly cost is updated. The hourly rate option or the monthly cost option that you select is updated in the Calculated by column.