vRealize Business for Cloud allows your to export a set of default reports. In addition, you can create and export customized reports based on these default reports according to your requirements.


  1. Log in to vRealize Business for Cloud virtual appliance.
  2. Based on your setup, run one of the following commands to generate the token:
    • For vRealize Automation integrated vRealize Business for Cloud setup

      wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --post-data '{"username":"USER_NAME","password":"PASSWORD","tenant":"TENANT"}' -output-document - vRA_SERVER/identity/api/tokens

      • USER_NAME is the user name with administrator permissions to access vRealize Business for Cloud.
      • PASSWORD is the password for the administrator account.
      • TENANT is the vRealize Business for Cloud registered tenant.
      • vRA_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Automation server.
    • For VMware Identity Manager integrated vRealize Business for Cloud setup

      curl -k -X POST -H "Authorization:Basic CODE" https://vIDM_SERVER/SAAS/API/1.0/oauth2/token?grant_type=client_credentials

      • CODE is Base64(client_id:client_secret).
      • vIDM_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the VMware Identity Manager server.
    Note: You can generate Base64 of basic authentication header using: https://www.base64encode.org/. You can also get client_id and client_secret values from /server/conf/itfm-oauth.properties.
    You see the token in the output. For example,

    {"access_token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.TEsB5mkpXED7VzuhiL66I4ls6cEYsWUcq_iKetDmTFxi8xQXr56uDChOBQtUerGkDXdKht6QflVd86BtqOTyBKYr8ndlD14DqujhRHq3aB5HmFA4jVB-vr7nhJNzpCHwD1BKWwjyTvCdMccYC-vwpCHx_dcEdbJiqdpejJPJfNbsN8MITUQtk_yk2ia3fkrBRt8Pv_VPm-xYIC_qHumaEiompB_iRLk3AfnZgx7yhdv3yarGrocFWKsizvpRbfFsf3T3EPIzACV_bGoX-syvGW9sdEjWlsBidSNRTgdOTaikIwoW1cyc3WbMeThIx7PeRop_Z-DB5a0yvL6uWfWNtw","token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":28799,"scope":"openid admin user","id_token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjE1NDkzNjI4MzYifQ.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.LD0SOVvPhxUno06ATZyE1__MI0xNcgzdR9JTT2yxBkaWf3x11nKijfaasTClgGy4llo0FJezmYAQkuCese3ge2Ub2ZBOHZ9bN98yjVXzQ5BzLZarImD727YYUiauB-pPmyvjaW-K2QH7-bIAQ8OMO0gxP_cYuol61oo9N3hwU4ocJqg2M-ir_B3PHUG5S0Ads2tlrmoObuYQ_YeMhSMyBGKCQuqgjU_Eva3PoaEaDRCRiffDVYCc0CHw08Qcb6PtcoHaltWlhWm93gBrUw4fHZKhMspapuLVFBZF7jZF56D9JJR-M2w2LiZYRRg-a_97wZ9MO810ASbFfehB__LspQ"}

    The access_token value is the token to authenticate.


    Note: The token has an expiry time.
  3. Run the command to get a report that you want.
    Type of Report Command
    Custom report wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports-api/export-csv?name=REPORT_NAME, where
    • VRB_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Business for Cloud server.
    • REPORT_NAME is the name you provide for a custom report.
    Default report
    • To export the complete data, run the following command.

      wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: text/plain" --header='Content-Type: text/plain' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/export-filters/DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME>>out.xls, where DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME, is the standard report names mentioned in the following table.

      Report Type Standard Report Name
      vCenter Server reports
      • servers
      • datastores
      • vsan-datastores
      • vms
      • clusters
      vCloud Director reports
      • vcd-orgs
      • vcd-org-vdcs
      • vcd-vms
      • vcd-vapps
      • vcd-cis
      vRealize Automation virtual machine reports
      • vcac-vms
      Storage reports
      • storage-arrays
      • storage-luns
      AWS reports
      • aws-resources
      • aws-vms
      Showback reports
      • showback-vms
      • showback-add-svcs
      Budget reports rest/budget/export
    • To export a report for a specific period, run the following command.

      wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: text/plain" --header='Content-Type: text/plain' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - 'https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/export-filters/DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME?startmonth=yyyy-mm&&endmonth=yyyy-mm'>>out.xls, where DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME is the standard report names mentioned in the table.

      • If you specify startmonth and endmonth, vRealize Business for Cloud generates a report from the first day of the month you specify in startmonth till the month that you specify in endmonth (till the last day of previous month.)

        For example, if you enter startmonth=2016-02&&endmonth=2016-06, you see the report is exported from first day of February till the last day of May.

      • If you specify startmonth only, vRealize Business for Cloud generates report from the first day of the month you specified till the current month.

        For example, if you specify startmonth=2016-02, you see the report is exported from the first day of February till the current month.

      • If you specify endmonth only, vRealize Business for Cloud generates report from the month the data is available till the month that you specified in the endmonth (till the last day of the previous month).

        For example, if you specify endmonthendmonth=2016-10, you see the report is exported till the last day of September.

      Note: You can specify the period for the vCenter Server virtual machine reports ( vms), vRealize Automation virtual machine reports ( vcac-vms), AWS reports ( aws-vms, aws-resources), and Showback reports ( showback-vms, showback-add-svcs). You cannot generate vCloud Director and budget reports for a specific period.
    You see the reports are exported in the CSV or XLS format.
    vCloud Director data at organization level wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/organization?month=01.MM.YYYY, where
    • VRB_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Business for Cloud server.
    • 01.MM.YYYY is the parameter to specify the month for which you want the report. Only the month and year values can be modified in the parameter. The date value must be 01. For example, 01.02.2017. If you do not include the ?month=01.MM.YYYY parameter in the command, the month-to-date details for the current month is generated in the report.
    vCloud Director data specific to an organization wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/organization/{orgId}?month=01.MM.YYYY, where
    • VRB_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Business for Cloud server.
    • 01.MM.YYYY is the parameter to specify the month for which you want the report. Only the month and year values can be modified in the parameter. The date value must be 01. For example, 01.02.2017. If you do not include the ?month=01.MM.YYYY parameter in the command, the month-to-date details for the current month is generated in the report.
    vCloud Director data at organization vDC level wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/orgVdc?month=01.MM.YYYY, where
    • VRB_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Business for Cloud server.
    • 01.MM.YYYY is the parameter to specify the month for which you want the report. Only the month and year values can be modified in the parameter. The date value must be 01. For example, 01.02.2017. If you do not include the ?month=01.MM.YYYY parameter in the command, the month-to-date details for the current month is generated in the report.
    vCloud Director data specific to an organization vDC wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/orgVdc/{orgVdcId}?month=01.mm.yyyy, where
    • VRB_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Business for Cloud server.
    • 01.MM.YYYY is the parameter to specify the month for which you want the report. Only the month and year values can be modified in the parameter. The date value must be 01. For example, 01.02.2017. If you do not include the ?month=01.MM.YYYY parameter in the command, the month-to-date details for the current month is generated in the report.
    vCloud Director data at vApps level wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/vapp?month=01.MM.YYYY, where
    • VRB_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Business for Cloud server.
    • 01.MM.YYYY is the parameter to specify the month for which you want the report. Only the month and year values can be modified in the parameter. The date value must be 01. For example, 01.02.2017. If you do not include the ?month=01.MM.YYYY parameter in the command, the month-to-date details for the current month is generated in the report.
    vCloud Director data specific to a vApp wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/vapp/{vappId}?month=01.MM.YYYY, where
    • VRB_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Business for Cloud server.
    • 01.MM.YYYY is the parameter to specify the month for which you want the report. Only the month and year values can be modified in the parameter. The date value must be 01. For example, 01.02.2017. If you do not include the ?month=01.MM.YYYY parameter in the command, the month-to-date details for the current month is generated in the report.
    vCloud Director data at VMs level wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/vm?month=01.MM.YYYY, where
    • VRB_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Business for Cloud server.
    • 01.MM.YYYY is the parameter to specify the month for which you want the report. Only the month and year values can be modified in the parameter. The date value must be 01. For example, 01.02.2017. If you do not include the ?month=01.MM.YYYY parameter in the command, the month-to-date details for the current month is generated in the report.
    vCloud Director data specific to a VM wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/vm?month=01.MM.YYYY , where
    • VRB_SERVER is the IP address or FQDN of the vRealize Business for Cloud server.
    • 01.MM.YYYY is the parameter to specify the month for which you want the report. Only the month and year values can be modified in the parameter. The date value must be 01. For example, 01.02.2017. If you do not include the ?month=01.MM.YYYY parameter in the command, the month-to-date details for the current month is generated in the report.
    vCloud Director daily details at organization vDC level wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/orgVdc/daily
    Note: Service level details are not provided for this report.
    vCloud Director daily details at VM level wget --no-check-certificate -S -q --header "Accept: application/json" --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header "accept-encoding: gzip" --header='Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' -O - https://VRB_SERVER/itfm-cloud/rest/reports/v1/vcd/vm/daily