You can edit the configuration file of the vRealize Log Insight Agent to change the logging level.


For the Log Insight Linux Agent:
  • Log in as root or use sudo to run console commands.
  • Log in to the Linux machine on which you installed the Log Insight Linux Agent, open a console and run pgrep liagent to verify that the VMware vRealize Log Insight Linux Agent is installed and running.
For the Log Insight Windows Agent:
  • Log in to the Windows machine on which you installed the vRealize Log Insight Windows agent and start the Services manager to verify that the vRealize Log Insight agent service is installed.


  1. Navigate to the folder containing the liagent.ini file.
    Operating system Path
    Linux /var/lib/loginsight-agent/
    Windows %ProgramData%\VMware\Log Insight Agent
  2. Open the liagent.ini file in any text editor.
  3. Change the log debug level in the [logging] section of the liagent.ini file.
    Note: The higher the debug level, the higher the impact it has on the vRealize Log Insight Agent. The default and recommended value is 0. Debug level 1 provides more information and is recommended for troubleshooting of most issues. Debug level 2 provides detailed information. Use levels 1 and 2 only when requested by VMware Support.
    ; The level of debug messages to enable: 0..2
  4. Save and close the liagent.ini file.


The log debug level is changed.