Use the Windows event fields and operators to build filter expressions.
Filter Expression Operators
Operator | Description |
==, != | equal and not equal. Use with both numeric and string fields. |
>=, >, <, <= | greater or equal, greater than, less than, less than or equal. Use with numeric fields only. |
&, |, ^, ~ | Bitwise AND, OR, XOR and complement operators. Use with numeric fields only. |
and, or | Logical AND and OR. Use to build complex expressions by combining simple expressions. |
not | Unary logical NOT operator. Use to reverse the value of an expression. |
() | Use parentheses in a logical expression to change the order of evaluation. |
Windows Event Fields
You can use the following Windows event fields in a filter expression.
Field name | Field type |
Hostname | string |
Text | string |
ProviderName | string |
EventSourceName | string |
EventID | numeric |
EventRecordID | numeric |
Channel | string |
UserID | string |
Level | numeric
You can use the following predefined constants
Task | numeric |
OpCode | numeric |
Keywords | numeric
You can use the following predefined bit masks
Collect all critical, error and warning events
[winlog|app] channel = Application whitelist = level > WINLOG_LEVEL_SUCCESS and level < WINLOG_LEVEL_INFO
Collect only Audit Failure events from Security channel
[winlog|security] channel = Security whitelist = Keywords & WINLOG_KEYWORD_AUDITFAILURE