You can search for a user or set of users by specifying a search filter.

To use filtering for user accounts, on the Administration tab, click Access Control under the Management menu, and select the Users tab.

The search text box is located near the top of the page and contains the phrase Filter by username.

The search function filters results as you type, returning user names that contain the input pattern. For example, if you have user names John_Smith, John_Doe, and Helen_Jonson, when you type the letter J, search returns all user names that include that letter, for this example John_Smith, John_Doe, and Helen_Jonson. When you continue to type letters, search results are narrowed to match the exact pattern. For this example, when you type John_, search returns John_Smith and John_Doe.

You can sort search results by fields: domain, authentication, roles, email, or UPN. In addition, you can perform a bulk action, such as deleting multiple users, on the search result.