You can configure vRealize Log Insight to send alert notifications and metrics to vRealize Operations.

You can integrate vRealize Log Insight with vRealize Operations and vRealize Operations Installable. Integrating with the Installable version requires additional changes to the vRealize Operations configuration. For information about configuring vRealize Operations Installable to integrate with vRealize Log Insight, see the Log Insight Getting Started Guide.

Integrating vRealize Log Insight alerts with vRealize Operations allows you to view all information about your environment in a single user interface.

You can send notification events from multiple vRealize Log Insight instances to a single vRealize Operations instance. You can activate launch in context for a single vRealize Log Insight instance per vRealize Operations instance.

vRealize Log Insight uses the vRealize Operations REST API to create resources and relationships in vRealize Operations for configuring the launch-in-context adapter.


  • Create an integration user account in vRealize Operations with required permissions. For more information, see Requirements for Integrating With vRealize Operations.
  • Verify that you know the IP address or host name of the target vRealize Operations instance.
  • Verify that you are logged in to the vRealize Log Insight web user interface as a Super Admin user, or a user associated with a role that has the relevant permissions. See Create and Modify Roles for more information. The URL format of the web user interface is https://log-insight-host, where log-insight-host is the IP address or host name of the vRealize Log Insight virtual appliance.

In an environment running a vRealize Operations cluster with a configured load balancer, you can use the load balancer IP address if one is available.


  1. Expand the main menu and navigate to Integration > vRealize Operations.
  2. Enter the IP address or host name of the primary node or the load balancer if one is configured. Use a vRealize Operations user credential and click Test Connection. vRealize Log Insight uses the credentials to push notification events to vRealize Operations. Make sure that the configured user has the minimum permissions required for the integration to work. See Minimum Required Permissions for a Local or Active Directory User Account.
  3. If vRealize Operations provides an untrusted SSL certificate, a dialog box appears with the details of the certificate. Click Accept to add the certificate to the truststores of all the nodes in the vRealize Log Insight cluster.
    If you click Cancel, the certificate is not added to the truststores and the connection with vRealize Operations fails. You must accept the certificate for a successful connection.
  4. In the vRealize Operations pane, select the relevant check boxes according to your preference:
    • To send alerts to vRealize Operations, select Enable alerts integration.
    • To let vRealize Operations open vRealize Log Insight and query for object logs, select Enable launch in context. For more information, see Activate Launch in Context for vRealize Log Insight in vRealize Operations.
    • To calculate and send metrics to vRealize Operations, select Enable metric calculation.
  5. Click Save.
    If you did not test the connection and vRealize Operations provides an untrusted certificate, follow the instructions in step 4.

What to do next

  • See relevant pages in the vRealize Operations UI to view the notification events that vRealize Log Insight sends.