Add a cloud forwarding channel to forward logs from a vRealize Log Insight server to vRealize Log Insight Cloud without using a Cloud Proxy.

Use cloud forwarding to send filtered or tagged events to vRealize Log Insight Cloud. Cloud forwarding lets you consolidate logging over different networks and eventually concentrate data in vRealize Log Insight Cloud.


Verify that you are logged in to the vRealize Log Insight web user interface as a Super Admin user, or a user associated with a role that has the relevant permissions. See Create and Modify Roles for more information. The URL format of the web user interface is https://log-insight-host, where log-insight-host is the IP address or host name of the vRealize Log Insight virtual appliance.


  1. Expand the main menu, click Log Management, and then click Cloud Forwarding.
  2. Click ""New Channel and provide the following information.
    Option Description
    Name A unique name for the cloud channel.
    Note: Once you assign a name for the channel, you cannot modify the name.
    Cloud URL The API URL that appears in the pop-up window when you generate an API key in vRealize Log Insight Cloud. For more information, see Securing Logs with API Keys in Using vRealize Log Insight Cloud.
    Cloud Key The API key generated in vRealize Log Insight Cloud.
    Tags Optionally, add tag pairs with predefined values. Tags let you query logs easily. You can add multiple comma-separated tags.
    Filter Control which logs are forwarded to vRealize Log Insight Cloud.

    Select static fields and constraints to define the desired logs. If you do not select a filter, all logs are forwarded. You can see the results of the filter you are building by clicking Run in Explore Logs page.

    For information about using filters in a cloud forwarding channel, see Using Log Management Filters in Explore Logs.

  3. (Optional) To modify additional cloud forwarding information, click Show Advanced Settings.
    Option Description
    Relay Only If you activate this toggle button, vRealize Log Insight acts as a relay and does not store or index the logs forwarded to vRealize Log Insight Cloud.
    Worker Count The number of simultaneous outgoing connections to use. Set a higher worker count for a higher network latency to vRealize Log Insight Cloud and for a greater number of forwarded logs per second. The default value is 16.
  4. Click Save.


The relevant logs are forwarded to the vRealize Log Insight Cloud service. You can query these logs in the Explore Logs page of the service.