HAProxy offers high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. Both multi-arm and one-arm configurations are tested and supported.


Following are the prerequisites to ensure a functional load balancer configuration and deployment.

  • OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v7.x or v8.x

  • CPU: 2 vCPU

  • Memory: 4GB

  • Disk space: 50GB

  • HAProxy 1.5.x for RHEL 7.x or v1.8.x for RHEL 8.x

  • Fully functioning DNS with both forward and reverse lookups

  • All nodes in the vRealize Operations Manager cluster operating correctly

  • HAProxy deployed in same datacenter and preferably on the same cluster as vRealize Operations Manager

  • HAProxy not deployed on the same ESX hosts as vRealize Operations Manager cluster to ensure availability

  • Minimum 2-node deployment of vRealize Operations Manager cluster

  • Deployment does not require high availability to be enabled, but it is recommended that you enable high availability

  • One master node and at least one data node is required for using a load balancer beneficially