All responses include an HTTP status code and, unless the status code is 204 (No Content), an Accept header. Response content depends on the request. Some responses include a document body, some include only a URL, and some are empty.

HTTP Response Codes

An API client can expect a subset of HTTP status codes in a response.

Table 1. HTTP Status Codes that the API Returns
Status Code Status Description
200 OK The request is valid and was completed. The response includes a document body.
201 Created The request is valid. The requested object was created and can be found at the URL specified in the Location header.
202 Accepted The request is valid and a task was created to handle it. This response is usually accompanied by a TaskStatus element .
204 No Content The request is valid and was completed. The response does not include a body.
400 Bad Request The request body is malformed, incomplete, or otherwise invalid.
401 Unauthorized Login failed or authentication token has expired.
403 Forbidden The user is not authenticated or does not have adequate privileges to access one or more objects specified in the request.
404 Not Found The object specified in the request could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP method specified in the request is not supported for this object.
406 Not Acceptable The resource identified by the request is not capable of generating a response of the type specified in the request's Accept header.
415 Unsupported Media Type The resource identified by the request does not support a request of the specified Content-Type and HTTP method.
422 Not Found Usually indicates a malformed request URL or request body.
429 Too Many Requests A client has sent too many requests or multiple clients are sending too many simultaneous requests and the server is unable to process them due to rate limits.

To work around the problem, try sending the request again later.

500 Internal Server Error The request was received but could not be completed because of an internal error on the server.
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary condition such as resource exhaustion or server maintenance.
504 Gateway Timeout The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server specified by the request URL.