Create a job to schedule an action to be performed automatically. You can choose the type of action you want to perform, and then select the scope of the action. You can filter the scope based on attributes and metrics. Every action has a configuration option, which enables you to control the execution of the job based on conditions.


  1. In the Automation Central page, click Add Job.
    The Create Job page opens. This page displays a wizard with three steps.
  2. In the Select Action step of the wizard, specify the following properties to create the action:
    Property Description
    Name Specify a name for the action. This is displayed in the calendar.
    Description Provide a description for the action.
    Actions Select an option for the action that must be performed as per the schedule. The choices are:


    1. Delete old snapshots
    2. Delete idle VMs
    3. Power off idle VMs
    4. Delete powered off VMs
    Performance Optimizations:
    1. Downsize oversized VMs
      Note: VM hot-add/remove enabled setting is not checked in this case. It is checked in case power off is not allowed from the actions, and the VM is powered on.
    2. Scale-up undersized VMs
    General Operations:
    1. Reboot VMs
    Note: If the number of resources for a job is ten or less, then the job runs at once. If the number of resources is more than ten, then the jobs run in groups of ten, in parallel.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Select Scope step of the wizard, select the clusters on which the automation job will run.
    1. In the Select Automation Group section, use the filter to find the cluster that you want the automated job to run on.
    2. In the Set Filter Criteria section, find the VM from the selected clusters with additional filter criteria for each VM to meet.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Schedule step of the wizard, configure a schedule for the action to run.
    Property Description
    Start Date Set a start date which is on, or after the current date, for the job to start. Select a date from the calendar displayed on the page.
    Time zone For the start time and date to be calculated for the job, select a time zone. Choices are:
    • Browser - based on the current location reported by the browser.
    • Host - based on the current location of the host machine.
    • GMT based time zone - Based on a location calculated as per UTC+0.
    Start Time Select a start time for the job. The drop-down menu provides options in five minute intervals, starting closest to your current browser reported time.
    Note: There will be a delay of up to five minutes for a job to run. The actualy time of the start for a action also depends on the action itself and number of target objects involved.
    Recurrence Set a recurrence for the job. The choices are:
    • One-Time. No further configuration is possible.
    • Daily. Set the recurrence in days.
    • Weekly. Select the days of the week when you want the job to run, by clicking the day of the week abbreviation.
    • Monthly. Select the months when you want the job to run, by clicking the month abbreviation. For the months that you select, you can configure the job to run:
      • On specific days of the month, by clicking the number. Or, the last day of the month, without specifying the exact date, by clicking Last.
      • On the specific number of the week (first, second, third, fourth or the last) in the month, combined with the specific day of the week.
      You can make multiple selections for each of the options in the drown-down menu.

    For the Daily, Weekly, Monthly options, you can set when the job must end based on a date, or the number of occurrences.

    1. In the Notifications section, select the Receive Updates on Job Via Email check box to receive notifications two hours before the job is set to run. For the email to be sent, you must also select the email outbound plugin from the drop down menu, and enter the email address to which the email must be sent. If you have not created an email outbound plugin, see the topic, Outbound Settings in the Configuring guide.
      Note: You can send updates via email to only one email ID.
  7. Click Create to complete the steps in the wizard and create the job.