The Troubleshoot a Cluster dashboard allows you to identify clusters that have issues and isolate them easily.

You can use the search option to identify a cluster that has an issue. You can also sort the clusters based on the number of active alerts.

After you select the cluster you want to work with, you can view a quick summary of the number of hosts in that cluster and the VMs served by the cluster. The dashboard provides you with current and past utilization trends and also known issues in the cluster in the form of alerts.

You can view the hierarchy of objects related to the cluster and review the status to identify if the objects are impacted because of the current health of the cluster. You can quickly identify any contention issues by looking at the maximum and average contention faced by the VMs on the selected cluster. You can narrow down and view those VMs that have resource contention and take specific steps to troubleshoot and resolve issues.

You can use the dashboard widgets in several ways.

  • Search for a cluster: Use this widget to select the cluster for which you want to view performance details. You can use the filter to narrow your list based on several parameters. After you identify the cluster you want to view, select it. The dashboard is automatically populated with the relevant data.
  • Is your cluster busy?: Use this widget to view the CPU and memory demand.
  • Are there active alerts on your cluster: Use this widget to view only the critical alerts.
  • Are the relatives healthy?: Use this widget to view the hierarchy of the objects related to the cluster and if any of the objects are impacted.
  • View the maximum and average CPU, memory, and disk latency for the VMs. If the VM faces contention, it might mean that the underlying infrastructure does not have enough resources to meet the needs of the VMs.
  • View a list of VMs that face CPU, memory, and disk latency contention. You can then troubleshoot and take steps to resolve the problem.