Use this dashboard to identify old hardware, such as compute and storage, in the data center and replace them with new generation hardware components that are power efficient. You can also use this dashboard to reduce the overheads and buffers and identify smaller clusters that have higher overheads. The aim is to run with fewer overheads and buffer, without compromising on performance.

How to Use the Dashboard

  • Smaller clusters have a relatively higher overhead. A cluster with two nodes has 50% overhead, while a cluster with 10 nodes has only 10% overhead. Clusters with lesser capacity require more hosts and hence consume more electricity. The Small Clusters table lists clusters that meet one of the following criteria:
    • <=4 nodes
    • <=120 CPU cores and < 1 TB memory
    Click a cluster row to view the context of the selected cluster. An empty widget indicates that the defined green goals are met.
  • Advancements in technology help ESXi hosts to deliver higher efficiency. ESXi hosts can deliver more CPU and memory capacity, often with low power requirements. The Ageing Compute Hardware table lists ESXi hosts that meet one of the following criteria:
    • ESXi version 6.0 or older
    • <=40 CPU cores and < 256 GB of memory
    Click a cluster row to view the context of the selected cluster. An empty widget indicates that the defined green goals are met.
  • Just like compute hardware, newer storage hardware is more power efficient than older storage hardware. The Ageing Storage Hardware table lists datastores that meet the following criteria:
    • VMFS version 5 or older.
    • Not a local datastore.
    Click a cluster row to view the context of the selected cluster. An empty widget indicates that the defined green goals are met.

    If you have goals that are different from those defined, you can modify the criteria of the widgets by updating the filters.