Recommendations are instructions you provide to your user so that they can resolve generated alerts. The recommendations might include actions.

How Add Recommendations Works

Recommendations are information provided to users to resolve a problem when an alert is generated. You use the recommendation options to add existing information or to create solutions to alerts. If the recommendation that you need for an alert definition does not exist, you can create it from this workspace.

Add Recommendations Options

To add recommendations, you can drag the selected recommendation in to the left pane. Use the workspace on the left to to change the priority order.

Table 1. Add Recommendations Options in the Alert Definition Workspace
Option Description
Create New Recommendation

If recommendations that you need to resolve the symptoms in the problem do not exist, you can create them.

All Filters

Filter the list of recommendations.

  • Description. Type text to search on the name of the recommendation. For example, to display all recommendations that have memory in their name, type Memory.
  • Defined By. Type text to search for the name of the adapter that defines the recommendation. For example, to display all recommendations provided by the vCenter Adapter, type vCenter.

To clear a filter, click the double arrow icon that appears next to the filter name.

Quick filter (Name)

Limits the list based on the text you enter.

List of available recommendations.

List of existing recommendations that you can drag to the workspace.

Recommendations are instructions and, where possible, actions that assist you with resolving alerts when they are triggered.

Recommendation workspace

Add one or more recommendations to the workspace.

If you add more than one recommendation, you can drag the recommendations to change the priority order.

Click Next to activate policies.