In vRealize Operations, you can configure the Ping functionality to verify the availability of end points that exist in your virtual environment. The ping functionality is configured at the adapter instance for IP addresses, group of IP addresses, and FQDN.

  • If you have multiple adapter instances running on different collectors and both are pinging the same address, you can still get statistics from both the adapter instances for the same IP.
  • The FQDN names are checked for validity, the FQDN validation relies on RFC1034 and RFC1123, and only top level domains of the internet are validated. The .local domain is not supported as it does not fall into the list of top-level domains in the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet.


  1. In the left menu, click Data Sources > Integrations.
  2. In the Accounts tab, click Add Account
  3. Click Other to filter the list of accounts. The Ping account tile is displayed after filtering out other tiles.
  4. Click the Ping adapter instance.
  5. Click Yes in the diaglog box in the dialog box which opens. This will install the management pack.
  6. Configure the Ping adapter instance.
    Option Description
    Name Enter a name for the adapter instance.
    Description Enter the description of the adapter instance.
    Unique Name Specify the name for the adapter instance. You can use the name to view the metrics published for the adapter instance.
    Address List Specify the IP address, IP address range, and the FQDN which must be pinged.
    Configuration Filename Specify the name of the configuration file. The configuration file contains the IP addresses, CIDR information, and FQDN details as a comma-separated file.
    Collectors/Groups Select the collector from which this adapter instance must run.
    Validate Connection Click to check whether the connection is successful or not.
    Advanced Settings To configure the advanced settings, click the drop-down menu.
    Wait Interval Time (second) Specify the time interval in seconds to wait before running the next batch. Range: 0-300 seconds.
    Batch Size Specify the number of request packets to send to each target. Range: 20-100.
    Interval (millisecond) Specify the time the fping waits between successive packets to an individual targets. Greater or equal to 2000 milli seconds.
    DNS Name Resolve Interval Specify the time at which you must resolve the DNS name for the next cycle. Minimum value is 15 minutes.
    Packet Size Specify the byte size of the packet when you ping. Range: 56-65536 bytes.
    Don't Fragment Select False to fragment the packet and True to not fragment the packet.
    Generate FQDN Child IPs Select True to create IP objects by resolved names and add as child of FQDN.
  7. Click ADD.


After you configure the Ping adapter instance, you can view the adapter details from Data Sources > Integrations > Repository.