Use this dashboard to view clusters and data centers and compare them based on CO2 emissions or power consumption. You can then identify the most green cluster to provision workloads. You can compare the power consumption of each compute component in the data center, showcase all the compute components with the lowest power consumption, compare physical data centers based on power consumption, and compare hardware models to find optimal power consumption.

How to Use the Dashboard

As larger clusters consume more power than smaller clusters, the total power consumption cannot be used to determine a cluster to provision the next workload. Hence Power Efficiency is calculated based on the power consumption per GHz of CPU usage.
  • The banner at the top of the dashboard is a sample image, and you can upload your company logo, tag line, and so on.
  • Use the Top-10 Green Clusters by Power Efficiency table to view clusters that are power efficient. Power efficiency is calculated as power usage per GHz of CPU Usage. Power efficiency alone cannot be used as the criteria to provision a VM, capacity must also be available in the cluster. View the Capacity Remaining% and Time Remaining information for each cluster to make an informed decision.
  • Use the Top-10 Green Clusters by Power Consumption table to view clusters that consume less power. Use this table when you compare clusters based on the total power consumption. Larger clusters will consume more power than smaller clusters, but may still not be the most efficient cluster based on power efficiency. Power consumption alone cannot be used as the criteria to provision a VM, capacity must also be available in the cluster. View the Capacity Remaining% and Time Remaining information for each cluster to make an informed decision.
  • The goal of the Carbon Transparency dashboard is to help you identify the greenest cluster to provision the next VM. However, the most green cluster may not have enough capacity to provision a VM, and hence you also need to check capacity before you decide on the greenest cluster to provision. Use relevant metrics for the selected cluster which can help you identify a target cluster. The metrics are: Power Consumption of the Cluster (kWh), CPU Usage% in the cluster, and Memory usage% in the cluster. Use the associated widgets to view the metrics. The metrics are available for the last 30 days to help you identify the target green cluster to provision the next VM.
  • Use the Heatmap of vSphere Clusters based on Power Consumption to view all the clusters based on Power Consumption in kWh. The size of each cluster in the heatmap is determined by the number of VMs in the cluster.
  • When you add geo tags to clusters or physical data centers, those objects can be mapped in the Geo widget. Ensure that you add geo tags to the relevant objects.