The Datacenter Cost Drivers dashboard provides the cost of different data centers in a private cloud.

Customizations Available for Your Use

Certain data centers can be excluded, such as the development data centers that do not have to be expensed, by customizing the views in the widget.

Widget Information

  • You can select individual data centers to view summary and trends. The summary of the data center costs is grouped into two:
    • Compute. Covers all the costs that are spent on compute related hardware, software, and services.
    • Non-Compute. Covers storage and network.
  • Expense trends provide cost variations over a period which indicate infrastructure additions or removal to the data center.
  • Cluster expenses indicate the component clusters of a data center that consume the costs. Datastores that represent the storage part of the data center cost are listed alongside.
    Note: Network costs are mapped directly to ESXi hosts and hence are costed under compute as well, as of today. This might change in the future.
  • When you select a cluster, you can view the component hosts that the cluster is made up of and their monthly depreciated costs. It also provides details on the purchase cost of the server and how many months until it depreciates completely.
Note: Server costs can be suggested out-of-the-box by the system, or can be customized by the user. Depreciation information is not available for servers when the server costs are suggested out-of-the-box by the system. Depreciation information is available for those servers when the server cost is customized by the user.