Eight VeloCloud application services are supported in vRealize Operations. The supported application services are listed here. Some of the application services have mandatory properties which you must configure. Some of the application services have pre-requirements that you must configure first. After you configure the properties, data is collected.

VeloCloud Orchestrator

VeloCloud Orchestrator and the following services are supported in vRealize Operations.

  • VeloCloud Orchestrator
  • Nginx
    Note: To activate the plugin for ngnix service you must use the loopback address in the url
  • Clickhouse
  • Network Time Protocol
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Java Application
    Note: Java application gets discovered after bootstrapping a VeloCloud Orchestrator virtual machine, but you must ignore it, as we do not monitor the Java application.
In VeloCloud Orchestrator, we monitor the following services. For each of these services we display a metric which indicates the service status:
  • Backend
  • Portal
  • Upload
VeloCloud Orchestrator details.
Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the VeloCloud Orchestrator instance.


Nginx is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Status Page URL Yes
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Skip SSL Verification. No Use SSL but skip chain & host verification. Expected: True/False.


ClickHouse is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Servers URL Yes
User name No User name for the ClickHouse service.
Password No Password


NTPD is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.


MySQL is supported in vRealize Operations.

To activate the MySQL plug-in and fetch the credentials, refer to the article Steps to fetch password for telegraf user of MySQL, while activating plugin (81153) at the VMware Support Knowledge Base.

Use the port number 3306 to run MySQL and the telegraf credentials and activate the plug-in.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Port Yes The port where MySQL is running. Example: 3306
User name Yes User name for the MySQL service. Example: Root
password Yes Password
SSL CA No Path to the SSL CA file on the end point VM.
SSL Certificate No Path to the SSL Certificate file on the end point VM.
SSL Key No Path to the SSL Key file on the end point VM.
Hostname No Optional hostname for the MySQL Service
Databases No Comma-separated list of databases to monitor. Each of the database names to be monitored must be enclosed in single quotes and the databases themselves should be comma-separated. For example, 'database1','database2','database3'.
TLS Connection No Accepted values are true, false, and skip-verify.


Redis is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.
Redis URL Yes servers = ["tcp://localhost:6379"]
SSL CA No Secure Socket Layer Certification Authority.
SSL Certificate No Secure Socket Layer Certificate.
SSL Key No Secure Socket Layer Key
Skip SSL Verification. No Skips verification for SSL.

VeloCloud Gateway

VeloCloud Gateway and the following services are supported in vRealize Operations

  • Network Time Protocol
  • VeloCloud Gateway
In VeloCloud Gateway, we monitor the following processes. For each of these processes, we display a metric which indicates the process status.
  • bgpd
  • watchquagga
  • gwd
  • mgd
  • natd
  • ssh
  • vc procmon
  • vcsyscmd
VeloCloud Gateway details.
Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the VeloCloud Gateway instance.


NTPD is supported in vRealize Operations.

Name Mandatory? Comment
Display Name Yes Display Name of the application instance.