All reports that are generated for a selected object are listed on the Generated Reports tab.

From the left menu, click Environment > Object Browser, and then from the Object Browser page, select an object and click Reports > Generated Reports to access the Generated Reports tab.

If the report is generated through a schedule, the owner is the user who created the schedule.
Note: The maximum number of reports per template is 10. With every new generated report, vRealize Operations deletes the oldest report.

You can filter the reports list by adding a filter from the right side of the panel.

For more information about the options and actions in the Generated Reports tab page, see Generated Reports Overview.

Table 1. Predefined Filter Groups
Filter Group Description
Report Name Filter by the report template name. For example, you can list all reports that contain my template in their name by typing my template.
Template Filter by the report template. You can select a template from a list of templates applicable for this object.
Completion Date/Time Filter by the date, time, or time range.
Status Filter by the status of the report.

On each data node, only one report can be processed. Therefore, reports that are queued can be moved to the processed state only after the previous report on the specific node has failed or completed. The maximum queue time is restricted to 4 hours. After 4 hours, if processing of the report has not started, the report is marked as failed.

Subject Filter by another object. If the report contains more than one view applicable for another type of object, you can filter by those objects.

You can download a report in a PDF or CSV format. You define the format that a report is generated in the report template.