The storage hardware is categorized according to the datastore tag category. You can edit the monthly cost per storage GB for the datastores based on their storage category (using tags) and storage type (NAS, SAN, Fiber Channel, or Block).


To edit the cost based on the storage category, you must create tags and apply them to the datastores on the vCenter Server user interface. For more information, see the VMware vSphere Documentation.


  1. From the left menu, click Configure and then click Cost Settings.
  2. In the Cost Drivers tab, click Storage.
  3. (Optional) Select a tag category.
    Assume that you have two tag categories (for example, Profile and Tiers) with three tags in each category, you can select either Profile or Tiers from Tag Category to categorize the datastores based on tags.
    Category Description
    Edit Mode You can select the storage cost to be applicable for all the data centers or a specific data center.
    • Edit for All Data Centers mode helps you to customize a single cost driver value for all the data centers. Any customizations done for the Specific data center mode are lost.
    • Edit for specific Data Center mode helps you to customize different cost driver values for different data centers. Any customizations done for All data centers mode are lost.
    Select Data center You can select the data center for which you want to change the storage cost. This field is applicable only for specific data centers.
    Tag Category
    • Category displays the tag categories for datastores and also the tags associated with the category.
    Datastores Displays the total number of datastores for a specific category or type. You can click the datastore value to see the list of datastores and its details such as monthly cost, total GB for each datastore.
    Total Storage (GB) Displays the total storage for a specific category or type.
    Monthly Cost Per GB Displays the monthly cost per GB for a specific category or type. You can edit this value for defining the monthly cost per GB for datastores.
    Monthly Cost Displays the total monthly cost for a specific category or type.
  4. Click Save.