You define property symptoms, which are based on collected configuration properties, so that you can add one or more symptoms to an alert definition in vRealize Operations . You use the triggered symptoms to resolve alerts or troubleshoot other problems.

How Property Symptom Definitions Work

A property symptom is triggered when the defined threshold is compared with the current property value and the comparison is evaluated as true.

Where You Find the Property Symptom Definition Workspace

To define symptoms based on properties, from the left menu, click Configure > Alerts, and then in the right pane, click Symptom Definitions. Click Add and select Properties as Symptom Type to define a property-based symptom in the workspace.

You can also define symptoms as you are defining alerts in the Alert Definition Workspace.

Table 1. Symptoms Workspace Options for Properties
Option Description
Property Selector

Components that you use to locate the properties for which you are creating symptoms.

Base Object Type

Object against which the symptom is evaluated.

Based on the selected object type, the list of available properties displays only the properties applicable to the object type.

Select Specific Object

If a property is not listed in the common properties list, based on the selected based object type, use Select Resource to inspect the properties of a selected object so that you can locate the property that you must use to create the symptom. Even though you select a property for a specific object, the symptom definition is applicable to all objects with that property in your environment.


Use a word search to limit the number of items that appear in the list.

Property list

List of properties for the selected base object type.

Symptom definition workspace

Drag the property to the left pane.


The properties are configured values that are compared to the value you specify. You can configure a single property symptom or add multiple symptoms.

For example, if you need an alert when a particular property, such as Memory Hot Add, is no longer at the value required, you can configure a symptom and add it to an alert definition.

Configure the options:
  • Operator. Determines how the value you specify in the value text box is compared to the current value of the property for an object when the symptom definition is evaluated.
  • Value. Value that the operator evaluates.
  • Criticality level. Severity of the symptom when it is triggered.
  • Symptom name. Name of the symptom as it appears in the symptom list when configuring an alert definition, as it appears when the alert is generated, and when viewing triggered symptoms.
  • Wait Cycle. The trigger condition should remain true for this number of collection cycles before the symptom is triggered. The default value is 1, which means that the symptom is triggered in the same collection cycle when the condition became true.
  • Cancel Cycle. The symptom is canceled after the trigger condition is false for this number of collection cycles after which the symptom is cancelled. The default value is 1, which means that the symptom is canceled in the same cycle when the condition becomes false.
  • Evaluate on instanced properties. Select this check box so that the system evaluates the object level symptom as well as the instance level symptom. For example, for memory usage, when the check box is not selected, the symptom is triggered based on the object's memory usage. However, if you select the check box, the system also evaluates memory usage of each of the cores. If any of the cores is found to be crossing the threshold, the symptom is triggered.
  • Drop instances to exclude. To exclude specific instanced properties from the symptom, drag the property instances from the right pane. If you cannot locate the property instance you want to exclude, you can search for it in another object that uses the property by clicking Select Specific Object next to the search box.