A remote collector node is an additional cluster node that allows vRealize Operations to gather more objects into its inventory for monitoring purposes. Unlike the data nodes, the remote collector nodes only perform the collector role of vRealize Operations. These remote collectors do not store data or process any analytics functions. Remote collectors collect data from integrated objects and then forward the data back to the cluster nodes. The primary node then processes the data which you then view as reports and analytics.

A remote collector node is usually used to navigate firewalls, reduce bandwidth across data centers, connect to remote data sources, or reduce the load on the vRealize Operations analytics cluster.

Remote collectors do not buffer data while the network is experiencing a problem. If the connection between the remote collector and the analytics cluster is lost, the remote collector does not store data points that occur during that time. In turn, and after the connection is restored, vRealize Operations does not retroactively incorporate associated events from that time into any monitoring or analysis.

Note: Starting with version 8.10 of vRealize Operations, you cannot deploy new remote collectors. If you require a new agent to collect data, you must deploy a cloud proxy. For more information on how to deploy a cloud proxy, see Installing Cloud Proxy.
Note: Remote collectors are not supported by the Application Monitoring management pack.

Ports information for vRealize Operations is available on Ports and Protocol.

Monitoring the Health of Remote Collectors

After you upgrade your vRealize Operations cluster to version 8.10, you can view the status and health of your remote collectors from the Cloud Proxy page.
  1. Log in to vRealize Operations.
  2. From the left menu, click Data Sources > Cloud Proxy.

    You can view the health of the remote collectors.

    Option Description
    Name The name of the remote collector.
    IP The IP address of the remote collector.
    Status Status of the remote collector. Once the remote collector is connected to vRealize Operations, the status shows as Online. If the remote collector is not connected to vRealize Operations the Offline status is displayed.
    Version The version used to install the cloud proxy.
    Accounts The number of accounts that are created and associated with the remote collector.
    Type Displays whether its a remote collector or a cloud proxy.
    Network Proxy Address Not applicable for the remote collectors.
    Network Proxy Port Not applicable for the remote collectors.
    Target Displays the target location on which the remote collectors is deployed.
    Data Persistence Not applicable for the remote collectors.
    Time Estimation Not applicable for the remote collectors.
    Filter Filters the list of remote collectors. according to the following criteria:
    • Name
    • IP
    • Version
    • Accounts
    • Network Proxy Address
    • Network Proxy Port
    • Target Location
    • Data Persistence
  3. Click a remote collector.
    Table 1. Cloud Proxy Page Options
    Option Description
    Proxy ID ID of the remote collectors.
    IP Address IP address of the remote collectors.
    OVA Version The OVA file version used to install the remote collectors.
    Creation Date Date of creation of the remote collectors.
    Status Status of the remote collectors.
    Last Heartbeat Last time stamp when vRealize Operations ran a Health Check for this remote collector. When you click a remote collector to view its details, vRealize Operations sends a heartbeat to check if the remote collector is still reachable.
    CPU CPU usage.
    Memory Memory usage.
  4. Click the vertical ellipsis to rename or remove the remote collector.
  5. View and monitor the health of the adapters using the remote collector.
    Option Description
    Type The adapter type.
    Creation Date Date of creation of the adapters.
    Status Displays if the adapter is sending data or not.
    Last Sent Tiime Last time stamp whenthe adapter sent data using the remote collectors.
    Objects Collected Total number of objects collected.
    Metrics Collected Total number of metrics collected.