Message event symptoms are based on message events received from a component of vRealize Operations or an external monitored system through the system's REST API. You define message event systems so that you can create one or more of the symptoms that you can add to an alert definition.

How Message Event Symptom Definitions Work

A message event symptom is triggered when a message in an incoming event matches the text string in the symptom, based on the specified operator.

Where You Find the Message Event Symptom Definition Workspace

To define symptoms based on message events, from the left menu, click Configure > Alerts, and then in the right pane, click Symptom Definitions. Select the Message Event tab and click Add to define a property-based symptom in the workspace.

You can also define symptoms as you are defining alerts in the Alert Definition Workspace.

Table 1. Symptoms Workspace Options for Message Events
Option Description
Message Event Selector

Components that you use to create symptoms.

Based Object Type

Object against which the symptom is evaluated.

Select the Type of Event

Select the type of incoming event against which you are matching the events as they arrive. The incoming event must contain the following type and subtype combinations.

  • System Degradation
  • Change
  • Environment
  • Notification
  • Data Availability
  • Collector Down
  • Object Error
Symptom definition workspace

Drag the event type to the right pane.

Message Event

The Message Event text string is compared to the message in the incoming event by using the specified operator. You can configure a single message event symptom or add multiple symptoms.

For example, the VMware adapter sends a change event when the CPU limit for a virtual machine was changed from unlimited to 2 GHz. You can create a symptom to detect CPU contention issues as a result of this configuration change.

Configure the options:
  • Symptom name. Name of the symptom as it appears in the symptom list when configuring an alert definition, as it appears when the alert is generated, and when viewing triggered symptoms.
  • Operator. Determines how the string that you specify in the event message text box is evaluated against the message in the event when the symptom definition is evaluated.
  • Event message. String that the operator evaluates.
  • Criticality level. Severity of the symptom when it is triggered.