You can add, edit, or remove vRealize Operations user accounts, and import user accounts from an external LDAP database. With access control, you manage roles, the objects a user can access while assigned a specific role, and the membership in user groups.

Where You Manage User Accounts

From the left menu, click Administration, and then click the Access Control tile.

To view the details of the user account configured in vRealize Operations, click the user account, the user account details is displayed in the right-side panel. The user account details include the user groups associated with the user account along with the roles and scope of the selected user account.
Note: For user accounts only the exclusive roles that is associated with the user account is displayed. The roles inherited from the user groups are not displayed.
Table 1. Access Control User Accounts Summary Grid
Summary Grid Options Description

User Accounts toolbar

To manage user accounts, use the toolbar options.
  • Click theAdd button to add a user account, and provide the details for the user account in the Account Information page.
  • Click the Vertical Ellipses to perform any one of the following actions:
    • Edit. Edit the selected user account, and modify the details for the user account in the Edit User Account dialog box.
    • Export. Click Export User Accounts to export a user account, and provide the details to export the user account in the Export Authentication Source dialog box.
    • Delete. Delete a user account.
  • Click the Horizontal Ellipses and select Delete. Delete a user account.
    • Export. Click export to export a user account, and provide the details to export the user account in the Export Authentication Source dialog box.
    • Click Import to import a user account, and provide the details to import the user account in the Import User Accounts dialog box.
    • Click Import from source to import a user account, and provide the details to import the user group in the Import User dialog box.

User Name

User name, without spaces, that you use to log in to vRealize Operations

First Name

User's first name, created when you create the user account.

Last Name

User's last name, created when you create the user account.


User's email address, created when you create the user account.


Description of the user account, defined when you create the user account. This information can identify the type of user and a summary of their access privileges.

Imported Indicates whether the user account is imported or not.

Source Type

Indicates whether the user account is a local user, or an external user who is integrated through an external authentication source, such as from LDAP, SSO, AD, OpenLDAP, vCenter Server.


Indicates whether the user account is activated to use vRealize Operations features. An administrator can edit a user account to manually activate it, or deactivate it to prevent user access to vRealize Operations.


Indicates whether vRealize Operations has locked the user account. For example, a user account can get locked based on the password lockout policy, or if the user enters an incorrect password three times in the span of five minutes.

Access All Objects

Indicates whether the user account is allowed to access all the objects that are imported into the vRealize Operations instance.

Modified By Indicates the last person to update the user account.
Last Modified Indicates the last time the user account was updated.
Last Login Time Indicates the last time the user logged in.
Filters Activates you to search the list of user accounts according to the following criteria:
  • User Name
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Description
  • Activated
  • Locked
  • Access All Objects
  • Modified By
  • Last Login Time

After you add a user account, use the Details grid to view and edit which user accounts are assigned to user groups, and view the permissions assigned to the user account.

Table 2. Access Control User Accounts Details Grid
Details Grid Options Description

First Name

User's first name, created when you create the user account.

Last Name

User's last name, created when you create the user account.

Modified By

Displays the name of the user who last updated the user account.

Last Modified

Displays the date and time when the user account was last updated.

Roles and Scope

Displays the role and scope associated with the selected user.

  • Roles: Indicates the name of the role or roles assigned to the user.
  • Scope : Indicates the scope associated with the user account.
User Groups

Assigned user groups appear when you click a user in the summary grid. You can then view and modify which user groups the user is associated with.