When you deploy vRealize Operations, the number and nature of the objects that you want to monitor might be complex enough to recommend a Professional Services engagement.

Complexity Levels

Every enterprise is different in terms of the systems that are present and the level of experience of deployment personnel. The following table presents a color-coded guide to help you determine where you are on the complexity scale.

  • Green

    Your installation only includes conditions that most users can understand and work with, without assistance. Continue your deployment.

  • Yellow

    Your installation includes conditions that might justify help with your deployment, depending on your level of experience. Consult your account representative before proceeding, and discuss using Professional Services.

  • Red

    Your installation includes conditions that strongly recommend a Professional Services engagement. Consult your account representative before proceeding, and discuss using Professional Services.

Note that these color-coded levels are not firm rules. Your product experience, which increases as you work with vRealize Operations and in partnership with Professional Services, must be taken into account when deploying vRealize Operations.

Table 1. Effect of Deployment Conditions on Complexity
Complexity Level Current or New Deployment Condition Additional Notes
Green You run only one vRealize Operations deployment. Lone instances are usually easy to create in vRealize Operations.
Green Your deployment includes a management pack that is listed as Green according to the compatibility guide on the VMware Solutions Exchange Web site.

The compatibility guide indicates whether the supported management pack for vRealize Operations is a compatible 5.x one or a new one designed for this release. In some cases, both might work but produce different results. Regardless, users might need help in adjusting their configuration so that associated data, dashboards, alerts, and so on appear as expected.

Note that the terms solution, management pack, adapter, and plug-in are used somewhat interchangeably.

Yellow You run multiple instances of vRealize Operations. Multiple instances are typically used to address scaling or operator use patterns.
Yellow Your deployment includes a management pack that is listed as Yellow according to the compatibility guide on the VMware Solutions Exchange Web site.

The compatibility guide indicates whether the supported management pack for vRealize Operations is a compatible 5.x one or a new one designed for this release. In some cases, both might work but produce different results. Regardless, users might need help in adjusting their configuration so that associated data, dashboards, alerts, and so on appear as expected.

Yellow You are deploying a multiple-node vRealize Operations cluster. Multiple nodes are typically used for scaling out the monitoring capability of vRealize Operations.
Yellow Your new vRealize Operations instance will include a Linux based deployment. Linux deployments are not as common as vApp deployments and often need special consideration.
Yellow Your vRealize Operations instance will use high availability (HA). High availability and its node failover capability is a unique multiple-node feature that you might want additional help in understanding.
Yellow You want help in understanding the new or changed features in vRealize Operations and how to use them in your environment. vRealize Operations is different than vCenter Operations Manager in areas such as policies, alerts, compliance, custom reporting, or badges. In addition, vRealize Operations uses one consolidated interface.
Red You run multiple instances of vRealize Operations, where at least one includes virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). Multiple instances are typically used to address scaling, operator use patterns, or because separate VDI (V4V monitoring) and non-VDI instances are needed.
Red Your deployment includes a management pack that is listed as Red according to the compatibility guide on the VMware Solutions Exchange Web site.

The compatibility guide indicates whether the supported management pack for vRealize Operations is a compatible 5.x one or a new one designed for this release. In some cases, both might work but produce different results. Regardless, users might need help in adjusting their configuration so that associated data, dashboards, alerts, and so on appear as expected.

Red You are deploying multiple vRealize Operations clusters. Multiple clusters are typically used to isolate business operations or functions.
Red Your current vRealize Operations deployment required a Professional Services engagement to install it. If your environment was complex enough to justify a Professional Services engagement in the previous version, it is possible that the same conditions still apply and might warrant a similar engagement for this version.
Red Professional Services customized your vRealize Operations deployment. Examples of customization include special integrations, scripting, nonstandard configurations, multiple level alerting, or custom reporting. If your environment was complex enough to justify a Professional Services engagement in the previous version, it is possible that the same conditions still apply and might warrant a similar engagement for this version.