While creating and using dashboards, there are several best practices you can follow.
Dashboards must be quickly identifiable within 5 seconds
Create dashboards to keep the information precise and specific, making the dashboards more valuable. Containing too much information in one view can lead to information overload. Do not mix scope.
Use the top-line header as a summary
Allows to quickly identify what the content displays by having an informative summary in the header
Divide dashboards into sections
Separate similar content into sections for quick viewing of data and related information
Top-N data must not exceed 1 day
Top-N value is best looked at from one day for the most current information.
Do not mix monitoring and troubleshooting
Keep monitoring separate from troubleshooting to maintain specific information.
Use color
Color helps to emphasize content within the dashboard and points out more important items.
Use View List Widgets
View list displays the best aggregation of data.
Naming convention
Use consistent naming conventions throughout dashboards and widgets to make items easily identifiable and understood.
Tab groups
Group similar dashboards and unclutter the Dashboard List to provide quick navigation.
Deselect all dashboards that not heavily used from dashboard list
Deselecting any dashboards not heavily used from the dashboard list will help avoid rendering performance.