You can add a AWS cloud account instance to your vRealize Operations implementation.


  • Obtain the Access Key and Secret Key values. See Generate Required Access Keys. These values are not the same as your log in credentials for the Amazon Web Services site.
  • Determine the services for which you collect metrics. See, Supported AWS Services
  • Determine the regions to which you subscribe. Amazon Web Services is divided into nine regions. The default value * includes all regions in your subscription. If you do not want to subscribe to all regions, you can specify region identifiers in the Regions text box.
    Table 1. Amazon Web Services Regions
    Region-Friendly Name Region Identifier
    US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1
    US East (Ohio) us-east-2
    US West (N. California) us-west-1
    US West (Oregon) us-west-2
    GovCloud (US) us-gov-west-1
    Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1
    Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2
    Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1
    Asia Pacific (Singapore ap-southeast-1
    Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2
    Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) ap-northeast-3
    Canada (Central) ca-central-1
    China (Beijing) cn-north-1
    China (Ningxia) cn-northwest-1
    EU (Frankfurt) eu-central-1
    EU (Ireland) eu-west-1
    EU (London) eu-west-2
    EU (Paris) eu-west-3
    EU (Stockholm) eu-north-1
    South America (São Paulo) sa-east-1
    AWS GovCloud (US-East) us-gov-east-1
    AWS GovCloud (US) us-gov-west-1
    Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1
    Middle East (Bahrain) me-south-1
    Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) ap-east-1
  • Determine any blocked list or allowed list filters. These filters use regular expressions to filter in or out specific objects by name. For example, an allowed list filter of .*indows.* allows only objects with a name including "indows". A blocked list filter of .*indows.* filters out all objects with that string in their name.
  • To publish custom metrics to CloudWatch, see Publishing Custom Metrics.
  • To collect additional metrics for EC2 through CloudWatch agent, set up the agent. For details, see Installing CloudWatch Agent.


  1. In the left menu, click Data Sources > Integrations.
  2. On the Integrations page, click Add Account.
  3. On the Account Types page, click AWS.
  4. Configure the instance settings.
    Option Action
    Name Enter a name for the adapter instance.
    Description Enter a description.
    Credential Add the credentials used to access the AWS environment by clicking the plus sign.
    • Enter an instance name for the credential values you are creating. This is not the name of the adapter instance, but a friendly name for the Access Key and Secret Key credential.
    • Enter your Access Key and Secret Key values.
    • Enter any required local proxy information for your network.
    Collector / Group Select the collector upon which you want to run the adapter instance. A collector gathers objects into its inventory for monitoring. The collector specified by default has been selected for optimal data collecting.
  5. Click Test Connection to validate the connection.
  6. Click the arrow to the left of the Advanced Settings to configure advanced settings.
    Option Action
    Services Select the services from which you want to capture metrics. If you want to collect metrics for specific services, then click the drop-down icon and select one or more services. For example, Amazon CloudFormation, Amazon EC2. If you do not select any of the services, the metrics for all the services get collected.

    The services marked with an asterix* for example, AWS AppSync* are grouped together under AWS Other Services. These services display the relationship with the regions only. For more information on supported AWS services, see Supported AWS Services.

    Regions Select the regions you want to subscribe to. If you want to subscribe to specific regions, then click the drop-down icon and select one or more regions. For example, US East (N. Virginia),US East (Ohio). If you want to subscribe to all the regions, do not select any of the regions.
    Collect Custom Metrics Set this option to true if you want to import all the custom metrics from your AWS account.
    To publish custom metrics in vRealize Operations, the metrics dimension names should match the following service mappings:
    Service Name Dimension Name
    dax_cluster ClusterId
    dax_node NodeId
    dynamodb TableName
    efs FileSystemId
    eks ClusterName
    elasticbeanstalk_env EnvironmentName
    redshift_node NodeID
    redshift_cluster ClusterIdentifier
    s3_bucket BucketName
    vpc_nat_gateway NatGatewayId
    vpc_vpn VpnId
    workspace WorkspaceId
    ec2_auto_scale_group AutoScalingGroupName
    cloudfront_distribution DistributionId
    direct_connect ConnectionId
    ec2_instance InstanceId
    ec2_volume VolumeId
    transit_gateway TransitGateway
    ecs_cluster ClusterName
    ecs_service ServiceName
    elasticache_cachecluster CacheClusterId
    elasticache_cachenode CacheNodeId
    ec2_load_balancer LoadBalancerName
    application_load_balancer LoadBalancer
    network_load_balancer LoadBalancer
    emr_job_flow JobFlowId
    lambda_function FunctionName
    rds_dbinstance DBInstanceIdentifier
    hosted_zone HostedZoneId
    health_check HealthCheckId
    sqs_queue QueueName
    amazon_neptune_db_instance DBInstanceIdentifier
    amazon_neptune_db_cluster DBClusterIdentifier
    amazon_personalize_data_import DatasetimportjobArn
    amazon_personalize_event_tracker EventTrackerArn
    amazon_personalize_solution SolutionArn
    amazon_personalize_campaign CampaignArn
    amazon_sagemaker_endpoint EndpointName
    amazon_sagemaker_batch_transform_job Host
    amazon_sagemaker_ground_truth_labeling_job LabelingJobName
    amazon_sagemaker_ground_truth_work_team Workteam
    amazon_global_accelerator Accelerator
    amazon_api_gw ApiName
    amazon_elastic_inference ElasticInferenceAcceleratorId
    amazon_glue_job JobName
    amazon_qldb_ledger LedgerName
    amazon_qldb_stream StreamId
    Support Auto Discovery Set this option to true for automatic discovery of AWS services. If you set this value to false, when you create an adapter instance you must perform a manual discovery of services.
    Allowed List Regex Add regular expressions to allow only objects with names that fit the criteria you specify.
    Blocked List Regex Add regular expressions to filter out objects by name.
  7. Click Save Settings.

What to do next

Make sure that vRealize Operations is collecting data.

Where to View the Information Information to View
Collection Status and Collection State columns in the MP for AWS Solution Details pane on the Cloud Accounts page. The collection status appears approximately 10 minutes after you have configured the adapter.
Environment Overview The objects related to AWS are added to the inventory trees.
Dashboards AWS dashboards are added to vRealize Operations.