Alert definitions are a combination of symptoms and recommendations that you combine to identify problem areas in your environment and generate alerts on which you can act for those areas. You use the Alert Definitions to manage your vRealize Operations alert library, and to add or modify the definitions.

Where You Find Alert Definitions

To manage your alert definitions, from the left menu, click Configure > Alerts, and then in the right pane, click Alert Definitions.

Table 1. Alert Definition Options
Option Description
Toolbar options
Use the toolbar options to manage your alert definitions.
  • Add. Add an alert definition.
Click the horizontal ellipsis to perform the following actions.
  • Edit. Modify the selected definition.
  • Delete. Remove the selected definition.
  • Clone. Create a copy of the selected definition so that you can customize it for your needs.
  • Export. Downloads the alert definition.
  • Import. Allows you to import alert definitions. To import:
    • Click the Import option from the horizontal ellipsis.
    • Click Browse and select the file to import.
    • Select if you want to Overwrite or Skip the file in case of a conflict.
    • Click Import to import the alert definition, and click Done.
Filtering options

Limits the list of alerts to those matching the filter you create.

You can also sort on the columns in the data grid.


Name of the alert definition, which is also the name of the alert that appears when the symptoms are triggered.

Adapter Type

Adapter that manages the selected base object type.

Object Type

Base object type against which the alert is defined.

Alert Type

Metadata that is used to classify the alert when it is generated.

You define the value on the Alert Impact page of the workspace.

Alert Subtype

Subcategory of the alert type and is the metadata that is used to classify the alert when it is generated.

You define the value on the Alert Impact page of the workspace.

Severity of the alert when it is generated. The criticality includes the following possible values:
  • Symptom. Alert is configured to display symptom based criticality.
  • Critical
  • Immediate
  • Warning
  • Info

Alert is configured to affect the Health, Risk, or Efficiency badge.

Defined by

Indicates who added the alert definition. The alert can be added by an adapter, a user, or the vRealize Operations system.

Last Modified Displays the date on which the alert was last modified.